postcasio / custom-title

Set your own template for Atom's title bar.
MIT License
27 stars 14 forks source link

Stopped working recently #28

Open alanshaw opened 6 years ago

alanshaw commented 6 years ago

Thanks so much for this module, it's really great, at least it was until recently but now my custom title does not show in the title bar :( anyone else having this problem?

I'm using v1.21.0.

csernikmarton commented 6 years ago

The same thing happens for me. Not sure since which version exactly, but I noticed a few days ago that it didn’t work.

mettaworldjon commented 6 years ago

Same here... Is there a way we can remove it using "style"?

dlio commented 6 years ago

Just found this module and was excited to use it but it does indeed seem to be broken at present. Thanks in advance to anyone who can take a look at what atom update(s) may have borked it.

nlozovan commented 6 years ago

I also wanted to test the package and found out it's not working. Looking into it's code, found out that the selector changing the title is wrong - or at least probably Atom changed it's structure and it's "title" tag is deprecated. To make it working, I edited /lib/ file, below line 89: document.title = title Added following: document.getElementsByClassName("title-bar")[0].innerHTML= '<div class="title">'+title+'</div>'

In other words, just a stupid selector broke everything.

I am new to Atom and new to pushing updates in Github - if someone knows how to do it, please update it for the rest of the folks. Cheers!

aminya commented 3 years ago

We are interested to maintain this repository. I am the owner of @atom-ide-community. I have sent you an invitation. If you can transfer the repository to @atom-ide-community, we will maintain it.
