postcss / autoprefixer

Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
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Pixel ratio media queries aren't being autoprefixed #122

Closed borodean closed 9 years ago

borodean commented 10 years ago

There are no option to write such things with no prefixes to be completed with Autoprefixer:

  only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.3),
  only screen and (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 13/10),
  only screen and (min-resolution: 120dpi) {}

Source of the snippet: More prefixes hell:

ai commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately, I can fix it only after my vacantion.

Can you send pull request to Can I Use, what browser versions required prefix? Or just find good source?

akashivskyy commented 10 years ago


NathanBowers commented 10 years ago


The "Retina" media query prefix fallbacks are indeed yucky.

It wasn't until I started using AutoPrefixer that I realized is far from complete :-)

hparra commented 10 years ago

I can confirm that CanIUse is incomplete here.

Bootstrap and Preboot have used similar code for a long time. See

rstacruz commented 10 years ago

:+1: would really love this!

outaTiME commented 10 years ago


ai commented 10 years ago

Do somebody new resource, which describe wich media query is needed for which browsers? For exampe, what browsers already support min-resolution and what require -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio?

I need this docs to make PR to Can I Use.

hparra commented 10 years ago


@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), /* Webkit-based browsers */
       (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),    /* Older Firefox browsers (prior to Firefox 16) */
       (min-resolution: 2dppx),             /* The standard way */
       (min-resolution: 192dpi)             /* dppx fallback */ 

See also:

So assuming using (min-resolution: 2dppx) is the ideal way then:

Safari: Always use -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio Android: Always use -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio Chrome: Need -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio in versions < 29 Firefox: Need min--moz-device-pixel-ratio in versions < 16 Opera: Need -o-min-device-pixel-ratio in versions < 12.10 IE: Need min-resolution in DPI in versions => 9

What a mess. I'm sure that's why they're not in CanIUse.

ai commented 10 years ago

@hparra really helpful data. I try to crate PR to caniuse and after this will start to work with Autoprefixer code.

Not in 2.2, but maybt in 2.3.

timbru31 commented 10 years ago

Would be a great to have a nice clean auto-prefxing option for this :+1:

ai commented 10 years ago

Yeap, task is planned on next 2.3 release. I think we can expect release in August.

rstacruz commented 10 years ago

Thank you so much, @ai! You're doing the frontend development world a great service.

Grawl commented 10 years ago

Still waiting for this cool feature. Or at least for Can I Use article about this.

ai commented 10 years ago

@Grawl maybe you want to make PR to Can I Use? You need just edit one JSON file. It will very help to implement this feature to Autoprefixer.

Grawl commented 10 years ago

@ai we need a proofs from browser developers I think.

Let's try to collect them.

Gecko, Presto, Blink, Webkit, Trident. Firefox, Opera, Safari/Chrome/Opera/…, IE. It's all?

So we can test it manually (and we need to) with article and a gist on a bottom of that page but also we need to have a proofs so other developers can trust us and browser developers.

tiye commented 10 years ago

It's nice and I'm looking forward.

mietek commented 10 years ago


pepelsbey commented 9 years ago

Do want :+1:

ai commented 9 years ago

If sombody want this feature you can help :). We need PR to Can I Use about this feature. It will really help and feature will come to Autoprefixer faster.

mahnunchik commented 9 years ago


Grawl commented 9 years ago

So we need a proofs or just tests?

ai commented 9 years ago

We need Can I Use page. Or data, that I can used in Can I Use PR. 10 окт. 2014 г. 19:55 пользователь "Даниил Пронин" написал:

So we need a proofs or just tests?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Grawl commented 9 years ago

I can write anything in PR to CIU, but will it be merged?

ai commented 9 years ago

Yeap, CIU author is very friendly. 10 окт. 2014 г. 20:03 пользователь "Даниил Пронин" написал:

I can write anything in PR to CIU, but will it be merged?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Grawl commented 9 years ago

Okay, I will try to PR something from existing information tomorrow.

Grawl commented 9 years ago

Created PR to CIU with a lot of collected info… and questions.

Grawl commented 9 years ago

All data is ready to use and shipped yesterday.

akashivskyy commented 9 years ago


ai commented 9 years ago

@Grawl awesome! I will start to implement it after 22 of October.

Grawl commented 9 years ago

@ai cool! Will wait for it and use my Grawl/sass-media-resolution Sass mixin (will update it soon with actual prefixes and settings).

jacobmellin commented 9 years ago

@Grawl Wow, your mixin is amazing! Thanks for sharing, this will help me a lot. Also looking forward to the new autoprefixer feature.

Grawl commented 9 years ago

@limonenblau it's very nice to see my work is useful.

ai commented 9 years ago

Sorry, this features goes to 3.3 release.

yisibl commented 9 years ago

@ai For reference only (_^_^)

-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1 = -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1
min-resolution: 1dppx = 96dpi ≈ 0.39dpcm

dpi This unit represents the number of dots per inch. A screen typically contains 72 or 96 dpi; a printed document usually reach much greater dpi. As 1 inch is 2.54 cm, 1dpi ≈ 0.39dpcm.

dpcm This unit represents the number of dots per centimeter. As 1 inch is 2.54 cm, 1dpcm ≈ 2.54dpi.

dppx This unit represents the number of dots per px unit. Due to the 1:96 fixed ratio of CSS in to CSS px, 1dppx is equivalent to 96dpi, that corresponds to the default resolution of images displayed in CSS as defined by image-resolution.

andreicojea commented 9 years ago

:+1: I need this too

pepelsbey commented 9 years ago

@ai you’re rescheduling this for the 4th time already :(

ai commented 9 years ago

@pepelsbey because PostCSS and Browserslist also need my support :).

pepelsbey commented 9 years ago

@ai, since Autoprefixer is the most useful & popular application for PostCSS and Browserslist there should be a balance ;)

andreicojea commented 9 years ago

Maybe an option to skip certain properties? I'm using @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) to write webkit only styles, but this breaks autoprefixer... :-(

ai commented 9 years ago

@pepelsbey don’t forgeet that Autoprefixer is open source ;). will be like and CoffeeScript is very familiar to JS codes (’s examples should be enough to write Coffee code in same day).

pepelsbey commented 9 years ago

@ai, I’m allergic to coffee :P

ai commented 9 years ago

@Grawl can you fix your Can I Use feature JSON and add -o- for old Opera?

ai commented 9 years ago

Autoprefixer Core master now can add prefixes for min-resolution and max-resolution.

Next I add code to remove old resolution prefixes and task will be finished.

ai commented 9 years ago

Important notice. Autoprefixer will not convert dppx to dpi for IE. It will only add -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio and convert dpi or dppx to old value.

Don’t forget, that Autoprefixer is about prefixes, not polyfills.

If you want to conver dppx to dpi you should ask @yisibl to add this feature to his awesome polyfills packe CSS Grace.

ai commented 9 years ago

Now Autoprefixer can clean resolution queries from old prefixes too

ai commented 9 years ago

@Grawl I fix Can I Use data

Grawl commented 9 years ago

@ai good

yisibl commented 9 years ago

[Fix]Support decimal value


@media (min-resolution: 2.5dppx) { }

@media (min-resolution: 144dpi) { }


@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2.5), (min-resolution: 2.5dppx) { }

@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min-resolution: 144dpi) { }

@ai Do you intend to let it support word wrap?

Like this:

screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), 
screen and (min-resolution: 144dpi) {
    display: block;

dppx , dpi are both standard value, why not support their mutual conversion?

This is a complete list:

only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (   min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (     -o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),
only screen and (        min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),
only screen and (                min-resolution: 192dpi), /* fallback */
only screen and (                min-resolution: 2dppx) { 

  /* Retina-specific stuff here */

ai commented 9 years ago

@yisibl yeap, screen and is no a problem for Autoprefixer :).

ai commented 9 years ago

@yisibl unfortunately, Autoprefixer can’t insert fallbacks without prefixes. We need other tool for IE fallbacks. This is a same logic as with opacity for IE. I really think that CSS Grace can do it better.