postcss / autoprefixer

Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
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Update `funding` key in package.json #1448

Closed mondeja closed 2 years ago

mondeja commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm submitting this PR because in the simple-icons project we are trying to automate as much as possible our monetary contributions to our direct dependencies, so having this metadata in the package.json files allows us to programmatically know easily how we can fund them. The funding key in package.json accepts an array for all the ways for funding a package, see package-json#funding.


ai commented 2 years ago


Do we need to release it to npm?

Can you do the same for postcss?

mondeja commented 2 years ago

Do we need to release it to npm?

Yes, until it is not released this metadata will not be available to users installing with npm.

Can you do the same for postcss?

It is also in my list of dependencies to update, expect a PR, will be opened in a few hours :+1:

ai commented 2 years ago

Released in 10.4.3.

I also fixed browserslist and caniuse-lite.