postcss / autoprefixer

Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
MIT License
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Gradient has outdated direction syntax. New syntax is like `closest-side at 0 0` instead of `0 0, closest-side #1482

Closed ColbyMay closed 1 year ago

ColbyMay commented 1 year ago

Using radial-gradient, recieving a new syntax warning to move to 'at'


background: radial-gradient(100% 200%, rgba(color) 0,rgba(color) 15%, rgba(color) 30%, $black300 30%);


'at' is not supported by Safari yet for radial-gradient's?

radial-gradient's Can I Use

ai commented 1 year ago

You may want to add some CSS polyfill for Safari. Maybe postcss-preset-env does it?

ColbyMay commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this. The issue was directed to the wrong repo. Closing now.