postcss / autoprefixer

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Remove incorrect warning: end value has mixed support, consider using flex-end instead #1496

Closed maszynka closed 3 months ago

maszynka commented 1 year ago

Autoprefixer (or browserify) suggest that:

They won't work the same way when you convert them to 'flex-end' and they will, in fact, break layout.

From MDN:

The align-self CSS property overrides a grid or flex item's align-items value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis.

What's the reason of this warning and how to fix it?

ai commented 1 year ago

What's the reason of this warning

mixed support during the Flexbox implementation.

Check browsers compatibility of start and align-self.

justify-content, align-self are used in Grid layout as well.

We are showing this warning only if display: flex is in the same rule

runarberg commented 1 year ago

Browser support is over 90% already

However there is an issue with the suggestion if flex-direction is e.g. row-reverse. start/end are writing-mode related while flex-start/flex-end are flow related.

ai commented 1 year ago

90% is still not very big.

Do you have a real reason for using only writing-mode related property?

runarberg commented 1 year ago

I meant the suggestion is wrong:

align-items: start;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row-reverse;

will yield a different layout from

align-items: flex-start;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row-reverse;

In flex layout which uses a -reverse direction, the suggestion should be flipped.

ai commented 1 year ago

Can you in this case just use flex-end? We can make warning smarter, but anyway it is not auto-fix, you need to think before adding changes.

EmeMatch commented 1 year ago

I believe that the display:flex warning rule is wrong because I'm only using display:flex and not display:box. Why does it ask to replace display: box to display: flex ?

What is the recommendation for this warning not to appear?

ai commented 1 year ago

Why does it ask to replace display: box to display: flex ?

Because box is deprecated

EmeMatch commented 1 year ago

ok, but I don't use display: box and still the warning keeps appearing.

I believe there is something wrongly treating display: flex or another property.

on line 135 in processor.js

ai commented 1 year ago

@EmeMatch debug this line, check the CSS input to Autoprefixer. Very likely that some other tool adds display: box before Autoprefixer in your CSS build pipeline.

just-boris commented 1 year ago

Even if this property has mixed support, should this behavior follow the definitions in browserslist? So, if the property is consistently supported across declared browser versions range, the warning won't be printed?

ai commented 1 year ago

Even if this property has mixed support, should this behavior follow the definitions in browserslist? So, if the property is consistently supported across declared browser versions range, the warning won't be printed?

No, there is no such check in Autoprefixer.

PR is welcome.

dreyks commented 9 months ago

as far as i understand this data comes from MDN browser compatibility data, not from caniuse. do I understand correctly that caniuse-lite (which is used by autoprefixer) can't help us here? Trying to see if I can come up with a PR for this

ai commented 9 months ago

@dreyks yes. We can add some MDN pages to caniuse-db. Send PR like you have this data.

omril1 commented 9 months ago

What if I don't care if it's "technically" correct or not? Is there an option at least to remove this warning?

ai commented 9 months ago

Is there an option at least to remove this warning?

Write custom PostCSS plugin which will clean result.messages

omril1 commented 9 months ago

Write custom PostCSS plugin which will clean result.messages

Doesn't "feel right" to me to write a custom plugin just to make it stop printing a warning that should've been optional. IMHO this isn't esoteric enough for a custom plugin

Teamop commented 3 months ago

I think after 10.4.19 -, this issue can be closed