postcss / autoprefixer

Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use
MIT License
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🐛 Media queries issue with older browsers #1504

Closed Edgaras98 closed 6 months ago

Edgaras98 commented 6 months ago

I have a problem with older browsers, especially on Safari.

I write CSS syntax like this:

@media (width <= 768px) {
      width: 100%;

I get compiled output as:

@media (width <= 768px) {
      width: 100%;

I would expect that to be compiled into:

@media (max-width: 768px) {
      width: 100%;

This is my configuration in package.json:

"browserslist": [
        "last 5 Chrome versions",
        "iOS >= 15.5",
        "last 2 Firefox versions",
        "last 1 ChromeAndroid versions",
        "Safari >= 15.5",
        "not dead"

I would expect that autoprefixer would compile into older syntax on versions that do not support newer ones.

you can even see this issue on:

ai commented 6 months ago

You need a polyfill (postcss-preset-env) not a Autoprefixer for that.

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