postcss / postcss-cli

CLI for postcss
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Error when project path includes space #466

Closed SanmayJoshi closed 6 months ago

SanmayJoshi commented 6 months ago


PostCSS gives the below error on Windows 11, when the project path contains spaces:

POSTCSS: failed to transform "assets/css/main.css" (text/css): 'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Project structure:

Project dependency

Hugo Extended

Project path:

C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Project\My Work\Project\Main


"main": "postcss.config.js"


browserslist: [
  module.exports = {
    plugins: {
      "@fullhuman/postcss-purgecss": {
        content: ["layouts/**/*.html"],
        whitelist: ["alert", "close", "collapse", "collapsing", "fade", "modal", "popover", "tooltip", "blockquote"],
        whitelistPatterns: ["/alert$/", "/close$/", "/collapse$/", "/fade$/", "/modal$/", "/popover$/", "/tooltip$/", "/show/", "/alert-.*/", "/close-.*/", "/collapse-.*/", "/fade-.*/", "/modal-.*/", "/popover-.*/", "/tooltip-.*/"],
        whitelistPatternsChildren: ["/alert$/", "/close$/", "/collaps$/", "/fade$/", "/modal$/", "/popover$/", "/tooltip$/", "/alert-.*/", "/close-.*/", "/collapse-.*/", "/fade-.*/", "/modal-.*/", "/popover-.*/", "/tooltip-.*/"]
      autoprefixer: {},
      cssnano: {
        preset: "default"

Steps to reproduce the bug

  1. Install Hugo Extended from (I've installed it via Chocolatey if it makes any difference - choco install hugo-extended)
  2. git clone
  3. cd into the cloned repo
  4. npm install
  5. Make sure you are on Windows (I am Win 11), and that the path to the cloned repo contains spaces. Just place the cloned repo in some directory My Work.
  6. hugo serve -e production
RyanZim commented 6 months ago

What's the actual CLI command you're running?

SanmayJoshi commented 6 months ago

It is getting called from Hugo. I should've made that clear in the original comment. Adding 'Steps to reproduce the bug' in the original comment.

RyanZim commented 6 months ago

I'm guessing this is a bug with Hugo, where they're not properly quoting a path on Windows, but would have to know exactly what command Hugo is calling to confirm.

SanmayJoshi commented 6 months ago

I see that there is an open issue on Hugo's repo gohugoio/hugo#7333.

RyanZim commented 6 months ago

Yep, that looks like it.