postcss / postcss-color-function

PostCSS plugin to transform W3C CSS color function to more compatible CSS
MIT License
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Color adjuster doesn’t work #40

Open jonathantneal opened 7 years ago

jonathantneal commented 7 years ago

Input CSS using the blackness adjuster:

body { background-color: color(#000 b(10%)) }

Result CSS after using the blackness adjuster:

body { background-color: rgb(230, 0, 0) }

That’s a bold red. Here’s an example:

Is this limited to the version of cssnext on CodePen or is this still a bug?

Semigradsky commented 6 years ago

Yeah, it is a bug.

color(black b(10%)) should represent the same color as hwb(0, 90%, 10%) (#e6e6e6)

See for more information.

kumarharsh commented 6 years ago

The codepen link is broken... Here is a working pen, and the issue is still reproducible: