postcss / postcss-custom-properties

Use Custom Properties in CSS
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variables and importFrom difference #176

Open ok2ju opened 5 years ago

ok2ju commented 5 years ago

Hi, importFrom behaviour differs from deprecated variables. importFrom does not take effect when using with postcss-import. My usecase:


:root {
  --button-label-color: green;


@import '../colors.css';

.button {
  color: var(--button-label-color);

And for example depending on env variable I want to pass another css variables (theme).


module.exports = (theme) => ([
    root: path.join(__dirname, '../'),
    path: path.join(__dirname, '../src/components'),
    stage: 0,
    browsers: [
      'last 2 Chrome versions',
      'last 2 Firefox versions',
      'last 2 Safari versions',
      'last 2 Opera versions',
      'last 2 Edge versions',
      'last 2 iOS versions',
      'last 2 ChromeAndroid versions',
      'IE 11',
    features: {
      'custom-properties': {
        preserve: false,
        importFrom: [{
          customProperties: theme,


const theme = process.env.THEME || 'default';
// const currentTheme = require(`../components/themes/${theme}`);
const currentTheme = require('../components/themes/red');

      loader: 'postcss-loader',
      options: {
        ident: 'postcss',
        plugins: require('./postcss.config')(currentTheme),


module.exports = {
  '--button-label-color': 'red',

In this example theme passed through importFrom does not take effect. Is this correct behaviour or I missing something? And if it correct how can I make it work properly?

thollander commented 4 years ago

The format that you use for the themes/red.js is not compatible with ^8 version. You should have :

module.exports = {
  customProperties: {
    '--button-label-color': 'red'
ok2ju commented 4 years ago

The format that you use for the themes/red.js is not compatible with ^8 version. You should have :

module.exports = {
  customProperties: {
    '--button-label-color': 'red'

Please, check postcss.config.js example above. I passed theme as:

features: {
      'custom-properties': {
        preserve: false,
        importFrom: [{
          customProperties: theme,

So, it is the same approach as you propose.