postcss / postcss-custom-properties

Use Custom Properties in CSS
MIT License
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Process CSS synchronously? Plus add example to DOC. #236

Open nolimitdev opened 3 years ago

nolimitdev commented 3 years ago

1.) Is sync way available? I see in source code in index.cjs.js that it should return sync function when there is no import and export in options const canReturnSyncFunction = importFrom.length === 0 && exportTo.length === 0; but it seem to do nothing, always Promise/LazyResult is returned.

2.) Also it would be nice to add example here how to process CSS text and get it returned (not exported to file) because it took some time for me to understand how it works. There should be example(s):

var result = await PostcssCustomProperties.process('...YOUR_CSS_TO_PROCESS...', /* processOptions: */ { from: undefined },  /* pluginOptions: */ { preserve : false  });
PostcssCustomProperties.process('...YOUR_CSS_TO_PROCESS...', /* processOptions: */ { from: undefined },  /* pluginOptions: */ { preserve : false  })
    .then((result) => {