postgis / docker-postgis

Docker image for PostGIS
MIT License
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Include postgis_raster in postgis 3+ images #265

Open submarcos opened 2 years ago

submarcos commented 2 years ago

As raster is separated in another extension since postgis 3+, Is-it possible to add it as default in docker image ?

I use docker image for many project like but we are locked on 2.5 images

There is topology but no raster... I understand for other extension we should create a custom image with custom initdb db script, but for raster I think this is a problem

I can do the PR if you want. Thanks

ImreSamu commented 2 years ago

IMHO: no easy answer.

There is a completely opposite request to yours.

And there is a "workaround":

submarcos commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

I see the thread and the workaround.

In the past I forked mdillon/postgis to fix postgis version. I was very happy to discover his work and the fix was merged in an official image, I just want to continue to use it. I have lot of projects and opensource libraries to update to 3.0+

I will be happy to join your team to work on a best final solution to specify which extension enable or not, but for the moment I still think there is a big unfixed problem that block usage of your image for all raster projects.

ImreSamu commented 2 years ago

In the past I forked mdillon/postgis to fix postgis version. ... topology and tiger are still enabled by default. why raster not ?

I am just a long time user and contributor;

As I know:

There was a relatively longer repository migration period ( mdillon/postgis -> docker-postgis/postgis ) when the survival of the project was at stake,

And this period, unfortunately, coincided with the Postgis 3.0 breaking changes. ( ~ 2y ago )

And in Postgis 3.1 there was another breaking change(s)

There are other breaking changes: PostGIS CLI ;

And there are a lot of user requests and hard to find the global optimum.

I will be happy to join your team to work on a best final solution to specify which extension enable or not,

post your suggestions to the

I still think there is a big unfixed problem that block usage of your image for all raster projects.

I am neutral in this requests; I just wanted to help with the workarounds. The final decision is in @phillipross hands.

I use docker image for many project like but we are locked on 2.5 images

we are extending the official Docker Postgres images ... so all tricks should work

So just add an extra .sql "Initialization scripts"