postgis / docker-postgis

Docker image for PostGIS
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Reconnect after creating extension, to fix search_path race #290

Closed strk closed 2 years ago

strk commented 2 years ago

Closes GH-288

@ImreSamu any issue with this ? It's a workaround, but seems effective

ImreSamu commented 2 years ago


any issue with this ? It's a workaround, but seems effective

:heavy_check_mark: Thanks for the fix; It seems OK for me!

strk commented 2 years ago

There's a fix upstream, but won't be present in earlier versions of PostGIS, so this workaround might be still good to keep. Upstream fix:

strk commented 2 years ago

Does the CI also check for running the docker image ? As this change will only affect running it, not building it

ImreSamu commented 2 years ago

@strk :

ouch ..sorry, probably the make update is missing .. and now only just the template file is updated.

and the is the old version.

please create a new PR and run the make update

ImreSamu commented 2 years ago

I will create a new PR - with the "make update"