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Possible issue in find_default_msbuild_path function from MSProgram-Get.psm1 #29

Closed omeuid closed 3 months ago

omeuid commented 3 months ago

I understand that the find_default_msbuild_path function from the MSProgram-Get.psm1 script could be wrong.

I would change the condition from the following IF statement:

    if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "x86" -or $env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE -eq "ARM64") {
        $pgmfs = "$env:ProgramFiles"
    } else {
        $pgmfs = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}"

As the objective seems to be the correct selection of the program files directory based on the processor architecture I would change the first line with the following one:


Am I missing something or should that change be done?

Regards, Carlos

apgrucza commented 3 months ago

@omeuid the code shown above is out of date. The problem you are experiencing was likely fixed in #9.

omeuid commented 3 months ago


Thanks for the quick response. I was building the current release, so I was in tag REL-16_00_0005 where the problem is reproduced.

I will close this ticket.