posthtml / posthtml-extend

Template extending (Jade-like)
MIT License
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Pass class to body tag #21

Closed bigskillet closed 3 years ago

bigskillet commented 4 years ago

How might I pass a class="home" to the <body> tag in the extended layout? I tried passing a block from home.html, but it gives me an error when I put it inside the <body> tag.


<html lang="en">
      <block name="content"></block>


<extends src="_layout.html">
  <block name="content">
Scrum commented 4 years ago

@bigskillet Hi, could you put an example on a github with error reproduction and with the expected result?

bigskillet commented 4 years ago

For example, if write:


<extends src="_layout.html">
  <block name="class">home</block>
  <block name="content">

and try to pass the "class" block to:


  <body class="<block name='class'></block>">
      <block name="content"></block>

it gives me the error:

Error: Child compilation failed:
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/posthtml-loader/lib/index.js):
PostHTML Loader: 
[posthtml-extend] Unexpected block "class"

Expected result would be:

<body class="home">

Scrum commented 4 years ago

This plugin does not work with attributes, but this is a good suggestion, welcome PR

andrhamm commented 4 years ago

@bigskillet I achieve this with the posthtml-expressions plugin

bigskillet commented 4 years ago

@andrhamm you were able to pass a local variable from the template to the layout using html? The only way I see to do it is by setting the local in webpack, which is not the functionality I'm looking for.

  locals: {
    className: 'home'
anantakrishna commented 3 years ago

Personally, I cannot see such a plugin useful without ability to pass arbitrary data to the parent layout. Too many use cases require such thing. Therefore waiting for #36 eagerly.

Simple example: how to emphasise the current (active) menu item based on the page which is rendered? Overriding a block is not practical in this case.

anantakrishna commented 3 years ago

For the record, here is how it is handled in PUG: In short:

Create a block at the top of the base layout and add your variables in there.

But I guess this is not applicable to PostHTML at all.