posthtml / posthtml-extend

Template extending (Jade-like)
MIT License
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Support for rendering multiple `<block>` tags with the same name #50

Closed nokazn closed 2 years ago

nokazn commented 2 years ago


Hi, there.

I encountered the similar issue with #47. I created content.html like below, but couldn't get expected result.

<!-- content.html -->
<extends src="layout.html">
    <fill name="content"><p>content</p></fill>
<!-- layout.html -->
    <slot name="content"></slot>
    <slot name="content"></slot>
    <slot name="content"></slot>

Expected behavior


Actual behavior

    <slot name="content"></slot>
    <slot name="content"></slot>

This PR is a patch for this issue.



thewebartisan7 commented 2 years ago

@nokazn the issue you mention was referring to this issue

It's a bit different, where you have multiple extends in one page and not multiple slots in one extends.

Or does this PR fix also the case above?

nokazn commented 2 years ago

@thewebartisan7 I think this PR fixes both where you have multiple extends in one page and multiple slots in one extends.

  1. multiple extends in one page
  2. multiple slots in one extends
thewebartisan7 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply. My bad I didn't check test. I am glad to hear that it works now.

I was checking into posthtml-modules to allow multiple tag with "slot" like in posthtml-extend, as I thought extend was intended to be used only for layout once in page.

Although I regret that extend does not have 'attributeAsLocals' like modules.

I wonder why there is three type of similar plugins (include, extend and modules), each one with unique features, instead of single plugin that combine features of this three.