postiffm / bibledit-desktop

Desktop version of Bibledit
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Update the sword module export for the new v11n #47

Open LAfricain opened 6 years ago

LAfricain commented 6 years ago

Currently the export to sword module export to the KJV v11n. And the sword version is 1.5.6. The current sword version is 1.8.1 and propose new v11n for the Catholic bible by instance. Maybe it can also export with the -z option (compressed)?

postiffm commented 6 years ago

Can you explain this more? I don't understand v11n. And what difference does the Sword version make for the way that I export the Bible? Export with compression is not difficult, if that is what the user wants...

LAfricain commented 6 years ago

V11n means versification, now when you make a module you can choose option for the versification with the -v option. Example of v11n is Catholic and Catholic2 or LXX. Currently the only option is by default the KJV. See the osis2mod -h command. Compression could be nice too.

osis2mod -h
You are running osis2mod: $Rev: 3177 $

OSIS Bible/commentary module creation tool for The SWORD Project

usage: osis2mod <output/path> <osisDoc> [OPTIONS]
  <output/path>      an existing folder that the module will be written
  <osisDoc>      path to the validated OSIS document, or '-' to
                 read from standard input
  -a             augment module if exists (default is to create new)
  -z             use ZIP compression (default no compression)
  -Z             use LZSS compression (default no compression)
  -b <2|3|4>         compression block size (default 4):
                 2 - verse; 3 - chapter; 4 - book
  -c <cipher_key>    encipher module using supplied key
                 (default no enciphering)
  -N             do not convert UTF-8 or normalize UTF-8 to NFC
                 (default is to convert to UTF-8, if needed,
                  and then normalize to NFC)
                 Note: UTF-8 texts should be normalized to NFC.
  -s <2|4>       bytes used to store entry size (default is 2).
                 Note: useful for commentaries with very large
                 entries in uncompressed modules
                 (2 bytes to store size equal 65535 characters)
  -v <v11n>      specify a versification scheme to use (default is KJV)
                 Note: The following are valid values for v11n:
                   Catholic     Catholic2       German      
                   KJV          KJVA            LXX         
                   Leningrad    Luther          MT          
                   NRSV         NRSVA           Orthodox    
                   Synodal      SynodalProt     Vulg        
  -d <flags>         turn on debugging (default is 0)
                 Note: This flag may change in the future.
                 Flags: The following are valid values:
                    0   - no debugging
                    1   - writes to module, very verbose
                    2   - verse start and end
                    4   - quotes, esp. Words of Christ
                    8   - titles
                    16  - inter-verse material
                    32  - BSP to BCV transformations
                    64  - v11n exceptions
                    128 - parsing of osisID and osisRef
                    256 - internal stack
                    512 - miscellaneous
                 This argument can be used more than once. (Or
                 the flags may be added together.)
  -h             print verbose usage text

See for more details.