Closed martinorob closed 3 years ago
Ok, so this is an interesting side-effect of the final version of tvOS 15 for some reason announcing a non-working MRP service. As pyatv will try to connect to all services found during a scan, this will fail. @Qonstrukt found that resetting the device fixed the problem. I expect more people to experience this though, so I need to come up with some kind of fix for it.
As a work-around until then, you can specify which protocols to scan for and make it work anyway:
python3 /usr/local/bin/atvremote --id C869CD6E4386 --airplay-credentials `cat credentials` --scan-protocols airplay play
If you need other protocols (Companion or RAOP for instance), just add them too (e.g. airplay,companion,raop
Well! I think now i’m very close but i have another error..
python3 atvremote --id C869CD6E4386 --airplay-credentials "4571016E185B3B5D:19CA3D069FA9A173CDA715746D1E682F5E4D390026A6F22FA4FE40B75FCDDFAC" --scan-protocols airplay play
2021-09-22 14:43:37 ERROR [root]: Could not find any Apple TV on current network
2021-09-22 14:44:45 DEBUG []: Binding on *:5353 2021-09-22 14:44:45 DEBUG []: Binding on 2021-09-22 14:44:45 DEBUG []: Binding on 2021-09-22 14:44:48 DEBUG []: Auto-discovered AppleTV at via Protocol.AirPlay ({'acl': '0', 'btaddr': 'C8:69:CD:6E:43:85', 'deviceid': 'C8:69:CD:6E:43:86', 'fex': '1d9/Wt5fFbwI', 'features': '0x5A7FDFD5,0xBC155FDE', 'flags': '0x1644', 'gid': 'C87AD4D2-8E40-49A6-8C0F-DF0D3FE982BC', 'igl': '1', 'gcgl': '1', 'model': 'AppleTV5,3', 'protovers': '1.1', 'pi': '91688c86-df11-4c30-a35d-20c8bf8dd54d', 'psi': 'F81B0864-E26B-40BA-BB2C-163ED5F200BE', 'pk': 'f096f8e419ca6a0a76d3fafed380afe4b8f54dc4888980eb25c634ed746d92c5', 'srcvers': '566.25.43', 'osvers': '15.0', 'vv': '2'}) 2021-09-22 14:44:48 DEBUG []: Auto-discovered TV at via Protocol.AirPlay ({'acl': '0', 'deviceid': '00:F7:6F:D4:4B:0A', 'features': '0x445D0A00,0x1C340', 'rsf': '0x0', 'fv': 'p20.78100.3', 'flags': '0x804', 'model': 'AirPort10,115', 'manufacturer': 'Apple Inc.', 'serialnumber': 'C0PPP011DV2R', 'protovers': '1.1', 'srcvers': '366.0', 'pi': 'ee5e381d-b729-4298-b883-8a9185ff38a8', 'gid': 'C87AD4D2-8E40-49A6-8C0F-DF0D3FE982BC', 'gcgl': '1', 'isgroupleader': '0', 'pk': '47194e7cf766969a590ca17ebd4a4c9840cd5f48a7d2c17066a837290ea65eef'}) 2021-09-22 14:44:48 ERROR [root]: Could not find any Apple TV on current network
The id you are using comes from one of the services you are not scanning for, that's why it doesn't work. Run atvremote --scan-protocols airplay scan
and pick the identifier you get from your device there. After that it should work. Alternatively you may use -a <ip address>
Very strange…
atvremote --scan-protocols airplay scan 3 ⨯
Scan Results
Name: AppleTV
Model/SW: Gen4 Unknown OS 15.0
MAC: C8:69:CD:6E:43:86
Deep Sleep: False
- C8:69:CD:6E:43:86
- Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None
Name: TV
Model/SW: AirPortExpressGen2 AirPortOS
MAC: 00:F7:6F:D4:4B:0A
Deep Sleep: False
- 00:F7:6F:D4:4B:0A
- Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None
So my apple tv ID is “c8:69:CD:6E:43:86”
so i successful pair with
atvremote --id C8:69:CD:6E:43:86 --protocol airplay pair 3 ⨯
Enter PIN on screen: 7682
Pairing seems to have succeeded, yey!
You may now use these credentials: BC257A8A4A7E9C10:F54A09E3DD677BE490A7C03AD3213545A945C2D1F54EB72096C3EBD045A4C372
and then try to play
atvremote --id C8:69:CD:6E:43:86 --airplay-credentials "BC257A8A4A7E9C10:F54A09E3DD677BE490A7C03AD3213545A945C2D1F54EB72096C3EBD045A4C372" --scan-protocols airplay play
NOTE: Push updates are not supported in this configuration
2021-09-22 15:37:04 ERROR [root]: Command 'play' is not supported by device
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/scripts/", line 690, in _exec_command
value = await tmp(*args)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/support/", line 94, in play
return await self.relay("play")()
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/support/", line 75, in relay
instance = self._find_instance(target, priority or self._priorities)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/support/", line 97, in _find_instance
raise exceptions.NotSupportedError(f"{target} is not supported")
pyatv.exceptions.NotSupportedError: play is not supported
Thanks for your patience… 😊
No worries! I don't think you have the latest version of pyatv, you should double check that. Version 0.9.0 is out now, so you can upgrade to that with pip.
YEEEEEE NOW WORKS! Well, it works with airplay but if I try with the companion protocol the problem persist..
atvremote scan --protocol companion
Scan Results
Name: AppleTV
Model/SW: Gen4 tvOS 15.0 build 19J346
MAC: C8:69:CD:6E:43:86
Deep Sleep: False
- C8:69:CD:6E:43:86
- 8CD254F3-CA9C-4B4C-AEBD-113FC050DD45
- C869CD6E4386
- Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
- Protocol: Companion, Port: 49153, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
- Protocol: MRP, Port: 49152, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Optional
- Protocol: RAOP, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: Mandatory
Name: TV
Model/SW: AirPortExpressGen2 AirPortOS 7.8.1
MAC: 00:F7:6F:D4:4B:0A
Deep Sleep: False
- 00:F7:6F:D4:4B:0A
- 00F76FD44B0A
- Protocol: AirPlay, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: NotNeeded
- Protocol: RAOP, Port: 7000, Credentials: None, Requires Password: False, Password: None, Pairing: NotNeeded
atvremote --id C8:69:CD:6E:43:86 --protocol companion pair
Enter PIN on screen: 3942 Pairing seems to have succeeded, yey! You may now use these credentials: db120e921609b11ae66fb2ee2b4aa9f6adaf3e2e480a18e3d8356b29b7745f41:9152232cb06270a4a88e568030ed4538a6d68ae99353e374d5102b9dd76596c1:46383142303836342d453236422d343042412d424232432d313633454435463230304245:34376165663733652d303466622d346538322d383134662d666233386663386538363534
atvremote --address --id C8:69:CD:6E:43:86 --companion-credentials "db120e921609b11ae66fb2ee2b4aa9f6adaf3e2e480a18e3d8356b29b7745f41:9152232cb06270a4a88e568030ed4538a6d68ae99353e374d5102b9dd76596c1:46383142303836342d453236422d343042412d424232432d313633454435463230304245:34376165663733652d303466622d346538322d383134662d666233386663386538363534" --scan-protocols companion device_info --debug
2021-09-22 16:40:25 DEBUG []: Binding on *:5353
2021-09-22 16:40:25 DEBUG []: Binding on
2021-09-22 16:40:25 DEBUG []: Binding on
2021-09-22 16:40:28 DEBUG [pyatv.core.scan]: Auto-discovered vMac at via Protocol.Companion ({'rpba': '0F:DA:33:87:8A:22', 'rpad': '0962d1573994', 'rpfl': '0x20000', 'rphn': '3c0f7f90dd47', 'rpmac': '0', 'rpvr': '260.3'})
2021-09-22 16:40:28 DEBUG [pyatv.core.scan]: Auto-discovered AppleTV at via Protocol.Companion ({'rpmac': '1', 'rphn': '305285bdaf4d', 'rpfl': '0x36782', 'rpha': 'b0ce76eb85f0', 'rpmd': 'AppleTV5,3', 'rpvr': '300.66', 'rpad': 'fe26ead7e02a', 'rphi': 'a05005f4b704', 'rpba': 'EF:F2:B2:C7:65:BE', 'rpmrtid': 'F81B0864-E26B-40BA-BB2C-163ED5F200BE'})
2021-09-22 16:40:28 DEBUG [pyatv.core.scan]: Auto-discovered iPad at via Protocol.Companion ({'rpmac': '0', 'rphn': '1b0ae5fbd527', 'rpfl': '0x30000', 'rpha': '47fe8888a200', 'rpvr': '300.66', 'rpad': '873ed32f249d', 'rphi': 'b4ae58f76abb', 'rpba': '50:DA:43:EA:54:58'})
2021-09-22 16:40:28 DEBUG [pyatv.core.scan]: Auto-discovered iMartinoPadPro at via Protocol.Companion ({'rpmac': '0', 'rphn': '1dec4913f32c', 'rpfl': '0x30000', 'rpha': 'eaed4a11bb5f', 'rpvr': '300.66', 'rpad': '4f56e4b1479c', 'rphi': 'eeefbd4b7ef6', 'rpba': '3C:C2:97:B7:D9:2B'})
2021-09-22 16:40:28 DEBUG [pyatv.core.scan]: Auto-discovered MacBookPro at via Protocol.Companion ({'rpmac': '0', 'rphn': 'a3be43fb4dcb', 'rpfl': '0x20000', 'rpha': '0a8a1b4a2537', 'rpvr': '260.3', 'rpad': '1c390a4466cb', 'rphi': '98cdafa23b7a', 'rpba': 'F1:09:5D:F9:62:18'})
2021-09-22 16:40:28 ERROR [pyatv.scripts.atvremote]: Could not find any Apple TV on current network
if I write a simple command, seems that credentials ar incorrect and Apple TV give me another PIN
atvremote --id C8:69:CD:6E:43:86 --companion-credentials "db120e921609b11ae66fb2ee2b4aa9f6adaf3e2e480a18e3d8356b29b7745f41:9152232cb06270a4a88e568030ed4538a6d68ae99353e374d5102b9dd76596c1:46383142303836342d453236422d343042412d424232432d313633454435463230304245:34376165663733652d303466622d346538322d383134662d666233386663386538363534" select delay=1000 left
`2021-09-22 16:54:02 WARNING [pyatv.protocols.airplay]: Failed to set up remote control channel: HTTP/1.1 method POST failed with code 470: Connection Authorization Required Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.7/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 413, in acquire await fut asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.7/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 492, in wait_for fut.result() asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/scripts/", line 700, in _run_application return await cli_handler(loop) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/scripts/", line 494, in cli_handler return await _handle_commands(args, config, loop) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/scripts/", line 585, in _handle_commands atv = await connect(config, loop, protocol=args.protocol) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/", line 96, in connect await atv.connect() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/core/", line 425, in connect if await setup_data.connect(): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/", line 870, in _connect await protocol.start() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/", line 134, in start self.device_info = await self.send_and_receive(msg) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/", line 234, in send_and_receive return await self._receive(identifier, timeout) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyatv/protocols/mrp/", line 242, in _receive await asyncio.wait_for(semaphore.acquire(), timeout) File "/usr/local/Cellar/python@3.9/3.9.7/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/lib/python3.9/asyncio/", line 494, in wait_for raise exceptions.TimeoutError() from exc asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError
An error occurred, full stack trace above `
You need to provide credentials for both protocols at the same time.
Thank you!
Describe the bug
Pairing successful. Trying example play command doesn't works.
Thanks for any help
Error log
How to reproduce the bug?
See above
What is expected behavior?
Operating System
Apple TV HD 15.0
Additional context
NO additional context