Closed TunrayoIlawole closed 1 year ago
Hi @TunrayoIlawole !
I think this is a great idea! Excited to see what you come up with :)
Please be sure to also share on the community forums and on social media when you're ready!
Hey @TunrayoIlawole !
Wanted to check in on how your post is going? Once this is complete, we'll be able to move forward with onboarding you officially as a Supernova :)
Hi @Kcorb95, I created the article and posted it on the community forums -
Thank you @TunrayoIlawole ! I'll be in touch shortly about next steps :)
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Automating Hash Generation With Postman
Contribution Date
I would like to write an article that teaches how to use pre-request scripts in Postman to automate the generation of hashes to efficiently test secured API endpoints. If approved, the plan is to publish on by September 9th. I'll share on the community forums, tech communities I belong to and LinkedIn.