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Data Storytelling #7

Open kinlane opened 3 years ago

kinlane commented 3 years ago

Do a roundup of data storytelling resources.

Things like -

kulnor commented 3 years ago

I would think most data profiling or quality assurance tools are a form so data story telling. Not to a high level, but they lay the foundations for more in depth insight or verbose description of the data. This includes software like DataCleaner, DataMiner, Knime. Talend, and the many others. The Python Pandas library provides various options, and I suspect the same is true for R.

Gaining basic understanding of data (codebook, summary statistics, frequencies, etc.) is necessary to derive higher level knowledge around the data (advanced profiling, machine learning). Most of these are available through our Rich Data Services API, and we have the mechanisms in place to implement 'agents' for inferring new knowledge, which could include story telling.