postmanlabs / covid-19-apis

Postman COVID-19 API Resource Center—API collections to help in the COVID-19 fight.
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Drugs API #205

Closed kinlane closed 4 years ago

kinlane commented 4 years ago

From email:

We have developed an open web service to identify drugs mentioned in a text and classify them according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system and the Concept Unique Identifiers (CUI) described in the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS).

The service is available here:

It only supports POST requests to /drugs with the text to be analyzed. For example:

curl -d '{"text":"however, clinical trials investigating the efficacy of several agents, including cefatrizine and chloroquine, are underway in China"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST

And the response received is:

[{ "name": "chloroquine", "atc_code": "P01BA01", "atc_parent": "P01BA", "cui": "C0008269", "level": 5 }, { "name": "cefatrizine", "atc_code": "J01DB07", "atc_parent": "J01DB", "cui": "C0007545", "level": 5 }]

It has a web interface: , and the source code and usage information are available at:

We hope it can be useful, thank you very much for the initiative.


arlemi commented 4 years ago

@kinlane Created a Postman collection for this one here

kinlane commented 4 years ago

You rock! Adding to the list for inclusion.

kinlane commented 4 years ago

Alright, this is in the queue for