postmanlabs / covid-19-apis

Postman COVID-19 API Resource Center—API collections to help in the COVID-19 fight.
MIT License
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Create Postman Collection for a list of COVID-19 testing clinics around Australia #235

Open yaditya opened 4 years ago

yaditya commented 4 years ago


kinlane commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the submission. Some work will be needed before we can add to the list:

  1. Reverse engineer data feed and find an API, or
  2. Write scrape collection for pulling the data and generating API.
  3. Create a Postman collection for the API.
  4. Publish to list.
yaditya commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @kinlane . Agreed with those points. I am actioning them as I speak

yaditya commented 4 years ago

@kinlane I have created this repository to write web scrape collection to pull data from a designated web app Please kindly review my PR