postmanlabs / newman

Newman is a command-line collection runner for Postman
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Getting Error 403 Using Newman #3215

Open raag95 opened 3 months ago

raag95 commented 3 months ago


Having issue i found this error many times in many forums, but never found and answer my issue looks pretty similar to this issue #430

I have a collection that uses and basic auth, everything works as expected in postman always getting 200 OK, but as I'm using newman, i'm getting error 403, when i'm try tu run the same collection on newman, i got error 403, My team mate already automate with newman but the difference it's that their collections doesn't need a basic auth, but analyzing my .json exported from postman, they said that evething looks correct, on my command and files, So in the issue #430 the author describe the same behaviour as me, but I'm pretty new on postman, so I don't understan what he did with interceptor and what kind of test added to his collection to make it work. I'm not sure is there is another walk around to solve my issue.

Version and environment information: -->

  1. Newman Version (can be found via newman -v): 6.1.1
  2. OS details (type, version, and architecture): Windows
  3. Are you using Newman as a library, or via the CLI? Newman
  4. Did you encounter this recently, or has this bug always been there: always
  5. Expected behaviour: 200 Ok
  6. Command / script used to run Newman: newman run Provisioning_collection.json -e Provisioning_environment.json -k --verbose
  7. Sample collection, and auxiliary files (minus the sensitive details):
  8. Screenshots (if applicable):


Hope somebody can help me