postmanlabs / postman-app-support

Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.
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What technology is behind postman? #2671

Closed chrisiek closed 7 years ago

chrisiek commented 7 years ago

Perhaps very off topic question but I must ask about it.

What technology was used to program this nice tool?

sdnts commented 7 years ago

@chrisiek Glad to hear you like the app! The Postman native app is built on top Electron, with the view layer written in React. Some parts use Redux for data management, while others use good ol' Backbone :D

6Hat commented 6 years ago

Good question... was amazed at the Postman UI myself and looked it up. I am an ASP.Net MVC developer (along with a few other technologies) and had somehow never heard of Electron until this post. I was absolutely amazed at what I had discovered: Electron This is everything I have been looking for as I have been researching Self Hosting ASP.Net MVC apps recently... What I have found seems hacky. It is beautiful that there is a full highly used framework for this already. And judging by the Postman application it works very well!

gianlazz commented 6 years ago

@6Hat I know this is a long time later since your post but I too am a .NET developer and find Electron super exciting. I've made a blog post about setting up an electron app with angular and aspnet core webapi bundled in for the backend running on kestrel.

ayazsayyed commented 6 years ago

its purely built on html css and good ol' Javascript :D

ghost commented 5 years ago

It is slow like a hell. I assumed it is Electron and then I googled it and now I am here to confirm my assumptions.

ntodorov commented 5 years ago

It is slow like a hell. I assumed it is Electron and then I googled it and now I am here to confirm my assumptions.

Not sure what is slow for you? GPU situation is the only thing I saw slow with Postman. It is a sleak app. Try using SoapUI - java written tool and compare it with Postman ...

TepidDrink commented 5 years ago

Being honest, Postman does seem iffy and I think it needs to work on this. I have a pretty good laptop, i5-6300U 2.5GHz 8GB, and as soon as I have more than 5 tabs open on Postman, the application slows right down. I want to try Insomnia but I have too many Postman collections.

AliAkberAakash commented 3 years ago

Is is possible to develop a plugin for postman? Any hints on where to get started? I have no idea about web technologies.

6Hat commented 3 years ago

@gianlazz You know I never did get into Electron... let alone with .Net. However this last year I've had the pleasure of picking up Blazor... which back when this was posted didn't exist yet... or at least I hadn't heard of it. I must admit I have been loving Blazor and have been wondering if you've had a chance to tinker with it yet? If so, how does is it compare with .Net Electron?

mkbhru commented 9 months ago


Its not slow, just its startup time is slow which is time taken by electron to load sandboxed chromium libraries it requires to provide this much consistent ui in almost every platform.