postmanlabs / postman-app-support

Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.
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Support for swagger v3.0.0/OpenAPI #3390

Closed dancrumb closed 5 years ago

dancrumb commented 7 years ago

App Details:

Postman for Chrome
Version 5.1.3
OS X / x86-64
Chrome 60.0.3112.90

Feature Request

Currently, Swagger import is limited to v1 and v2 of the swagger schema.

With the release of swagger v3.0.0, AKA OpenAPI, is support for this on the roadmap?

prashantagarwal commented 7 years ago

@dancrumb Thanks. We will review this request and get back to you with an update on this.

wowi42 commented 6 years ago

Some news?

OwlLaboratory commented 6 years ago

It would be very usefull ! :)

ghost commented 6 years ago

We're upgrading stuff to use swagger.core.v3 which gives us OpenApi v3. Support for this in Postman would be very useful!

DylanC commented 6 years ago

Also interested in this feature. Ready API has supported this feature for some time already.

rlcomte commented 6 years ago

As we are using Postman for API testing, and we want to upgrade our Swagger API specs to 3.0, it is a must-have.

arthurgrig commented 6 years ago

This is a must have.

dvh commented 6 years ago


lyneca commented 6 years ago


chadbr commented 6 years ago

any updates here? an ETA?

a85 commented 6 years ago

Commented here on our approach towards this:

Sergi0 commented 6 years ago

Swagger just announced Swagger Inspector, so openapi 3 support looks like a crucial feature now

pabloharrys commented 6 years ago


Frank591 commented 6 years ago

Any plans about OpenAPI3 support?

dmitry-mukhin commented 6 years ago

just subscribing to this epic thread :p

alexmreis commented 6 years ago


darkturo commented 6 years ago

Hmm this has been labeled as a feature but I see that is not planned for the next 12 months ( Actually, it seems it has been lost in the backlog :-/ ...

ekkinox commented 6 years ago

+1, with both YAML and JSON support

sirdawidd commented 6 years ago


realB12 commented 6 years ago

I really do not understand why Swagger and now new OpenAPI-Specs have not been considered to be at the base of all the data architecture here. When adding Swagger just as an afterthought I am not convinced to invest into Postman any further because I do not want to be locked into a proprietary product that takes in all the Swagger-stuff but does not give back in return!

youcef-laribi commented 6 years ago


zoul commented 6 years ago

PLEASE, when you are just adding a +1 comment, do realize you are spamming some twenty people with a useless e-mail. (Just as I am doing now – sorry!) There’s an upvote button on the original post for this precise reason. Use it. ❤️

itsjavi commented 6 years ago

@a85 we use Postman at my company with a team license and we use Open API 3.0 too, which is automatically generated from our API. We have in the other hand to maintain Postman manually every time we have new endpoints or changes in our API...

Please understand that being able to import Swagger/Open API (an specification being supported by big companies like Google, Microsoft) is an invaluable and essential resource.

I don't say you have to support the whole specification, but at least being able (in the beginning) to import the basics (path, method, request headers, request body) would be very helpful and incredibly time saving.

If OpenApi/Swagger support is such a problem and has such low priority... we will have to consider to not renew the license anymore.

a-akimov commented 6 years ago

Agree with the comments above. Supporting only Swagger 2.0 doesn't help Postman get more traction from those companies who build their API lifecycle around OpenAPI 3.0. And OpenAPI 3.0 is becoming a de-facto standard for defining and describing web APIs.

Please, support OpenAPI 3.0 in Postman.

dinamic commented 6 years ago

Guys, it's been almost a year since this issue was posted. Should this have been properly handled, you could have had an implementation half a year ago.

Please, raise the priority of this feature request!

philsturgeon commented 6 years ago

Seeing as this process is import only (that's not ideal but lets save that for another place) the import process could very easily be based around swagger2openapi, which will convert OpenAPI v2 to v3.

If you build your code to support v3 only and convert up from v2, you'll have everything covered. Honestly Swagger 1.x is so out of date there's not much supporting it, and if folks need to convert there are other ways to get that done, like APImatic Transformer.

stianlagstad commented 6 years ago

@philsturgeon My problem (and many others here) is that I have an openapi v3 specification file that I want to import to Postman. I have not found any good tools to convert from openapi v3 -> openapi v2 / swagger.

APImatic Transformer did not work the last time I tried it, but I do see that it is able to convert from openapi v3 -> swagger v2 now. Importing the result of that into Postman works as well :) The requests are named after the description of the endpoints in the original v3 spec file and not the endpoint path which I would prefer, but it's a lot better than nothing.

dinamic commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the workaround, @philsturgeon! I had no clue a tool like APImatic Transformer existed.

It is a workaround, thou.

I would love it if Postman, as a modern tool for testing APIs, embrace a modern standard for documenting APIs. Feels like the right thing do expect, right?

derrickmehaffy commented 6 years ago

+1 from me on openAPI Spec 3.0.0

robations commented 6 years ago

@derrickmehaffy Better to use the thumbs up on the original post instead of adding +1 comments, which spams everyone with notifications.

a-akimov commented 6 years ago

@robations sorry, I disagreee. This is a huge problem for everyone who wants to migrate to OpenAPI 3.0 (which is already a year being live now) and benefit from Postman at the same time, So, leaving a comment here shouldn't be considered as spam at all - this is the only possibility for us to show how important it is.

philsturgeon commented 6 years ago

@a-akimov comments with constructive content is helpful, but comments with only +1 is spam. You can always thumb the PR to show support. Please let’s not keep spamming people. This thread might be here for a while and we don’t want folks to have to mute it.

thecb4 commented 6 years ago

As someone new to Swagger/OAS and attempting to use current tooling, I would like to have Postman support OAS 3. Otherwise, Postman is not an option for me.

and0x000 commented 6 years ago

You can try to convert your openapi 3 spec via api-spec-converter to swagger 2 which then in turn is accepted by postman. Needs some more tooling, native support of openapi 3 spec would obviously be the neater choice, but it works for me.

kibertoad commented 6 years ago

@and0x000 While there is a number of possible workarounds, it is somewhat troubling that a product with commercial support hasn't issued any official statement regarding plans to support OpenAPI 3.0.

piersmacdonald commented 6 years ago

Add me to the train of wanting OpenAPI 3.0 support.

While we're at it, it would be great to import API functionality too so we can programmatically update our POSTMAN collection. Our API builds auto generate swagger3 specs, it would be great to have a CI step which updates POSTMAN so other developers on our account can start testing against our API immediately.

derrickmehaffy commented 6 years ago

@and0x000 The problem being that the 2.0.0 spec doesn't properly support bearer JWT authentication (added in 3.0.0)

@robations That is the point of +1 to bring up this issue again.

@kibertoad I completely agree with you.

ianlintner commented 6 years ago


gnarr commented 6 years ago


mrpwhiteSPS commented 6 years ago


EricLanduyt commented 6 years ago


bkatznelson commented 6 years ago


bmarka commented 6 years ago

A must have indeed, don't fall behind 🥇

rhuanbarreto commented 6 years ago

Please let's upvote the trello card on Then they can prioritize this!

stellis commented 5 years ago

@rhuanbarreto That's a good suggestion. However, it looks like "improvements to tab management" (whatever that means) has 2 votes and is "short-term," while OAS 3 support has 81 votes and is "mid-term." It's been mid-term since May of last year, so I guess mid-term = never.

This is a disappointing way to handle requests for the latest version of the most popular API spec format. There doesn't even seem to be acknowledgement that it's useful and will be worked on at all.

philsturgeon commented 5 years ago

It really seems like this issue is not going to happen. For some reason OpenAPI support is just not a priority.

Adding good OpenAPI import (and sync - ongoing reimporting to keep things up to date) could really open up a lot of use-cases. At WeWork we are OpenAPI-first, and we mirror back to Postman so folks have the best of OpenAPI without having to manually also keep their Postman collections up to date.

You could do so many awesome things, like taking the request/response schemas to build examples automatically, to save users having to copy and paste examples into the GUI.

Please bump this up as a priority folks.

diegoventuri7 commented 5 years ago


qrayven commented 5 years ago


jpuck commented 5 years ago

@vkaegis I'm curious, what is the ADP label for? Should I get excited this issue is getting some traction?

rdkls commented 5 years ago

I just set up docker image to solve by converting v3 => v2

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp -e OPENAPI_FILE=swagger.yml rdkls/openapi2swagger > swagger.openapiv2.yml

Also includes free bitcoin miner! (j/k but pls check dockerfiles before running ...)

(thanks juan-lb on github, and LucyBot-Inc/api-spec-converter)