postmanlabs / postman-app-support

Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.
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Theme font cannot be set, only Body font can be set #7163

Open thousmile opened 5 years ago

thousmile commented 5 years ago

The fonts in the red frame are too small to look at the eyes. I hope the next version can set these fonts.


ZooDoo4U commented 4 years ago

Have to agree, nice to see there recently was an option added to allow the results/content coming back we can set the font size, but that is only 10% of what i would like a larger font. Seems it really depends sometimes the user's screen size/resolution might make a given font usable or not. Would assert those who wrote Postman did so and made stuff to look fine for there environment, but that is the problem that is there machine/setup for them, not us users... Would assert we need not just the font size as much as it might help, but us users might be best situated to determine what font size and font face would work best for each for ourselves.

Would assert and would add the URL text for our get/post/put should be settable too.

eugbaranov commented 2 years ago

I would really like to be able to set UI font as I sorely miss the font used in version 6.

fanoush commented 1 year ago


In Windows I have ClearType and antialiasing turned off and force system font to Tahoma so most stuff looks nice and crisp but Postman looks ugly and unreadable (except response body having nice and crisp Courier New).

BTW, it is interesting that Chrome browser correctly uses system font in all UI so I have Tahoma there too but not in Postman.

So I'd actually like two features

  1. by default use system font
  2. allow to change UI font