postmanlabs / postman-app-support

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Show compressed body size #7596

Closed Eomm closed 4 weeks ago

Eomm commented 4 years ago

Hi, the Size: field shows the amount of uncompressed payload:


And if I remove the response header (to avoid the uncompression of Postman) I get the size I'm interested:


Could we add a Before uncompression field?



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MilosRandelovic commented 4 years ago


I've spent some time trying to make my server do gzip compression automatically, and it would be nice if Postman could help me verify the actual transfer size.

thoughtworks200 commented 4 years ago


tafia commented 3 years ago


jonasfrid commented 3 years ago


vaibhavpacharya commented 3 years ago


Samreay commented 3 years ago

@shamasis - any movement on this?

tamirs9876 commented 3 years ago


ElliotNB commented 3 years ago

@shamasis +1

goriunov commented 3 years ago


pedrotambo commented 3 years ago


augustoicaro commented 3 years ago


danielramireze commented 3 years ago


lada commented 2 years ago


wilsonssss commented 2 years ago


goforgold commented 2 years ago


s00pa commented 2 years ago


dranitski commented 2 years ago


alexkev commented 2 years ago


raymondKelly commented 2 years ago


MonsterMetroid commented 2 years ago


juber-nunes commented 2 years ago

2 1/2 years, any updates on this?

okcthulhu commented 2 years ago

Our team is considering switching to Insomnia for this exact reason. We need to know the uncompressed response size in order to test what's going on with API limitations from our providers. Would love to see a fix.

kevinswiber commented 2 years ago

Note This is not an official resolution.

A workaround I use is to either console.log the information I need or use the Postman visualizer.

Here's a script I drop in to the Tests tab to use the visualizer and inspect the body size:

const template = `
<b>Response body size (bytes):</b>
<li>Body size: {{bodySize}}</li>
<li>Content size: {{contentSize}}</li>
<li>Compression: {{compression}}</li>

const bodySize = pm.response.text().length;
const contentSize = pm.response.size().body;
const compression = bodySize - contentSize; // bytes saved

pm.visualizer.set(template, { bodySize, contentSize, compression })

You have to select the Visualize tab in the Response pane, and it looks something like this:

Albob commented 2 years ago


const template = `
<b>Response body size (bytes):</b>
<li>Body size: {{bodySize}}</li>
<li>Content size: {{contentSize}}</li>
<li>Compression: {{compression}}</li>

const bodySize = pm.response.text().length;
const contentSize = pm.response.size().body;
const compression = bodySize - contentSize; // bytes saved

pm.visualizer.set(template, { bodySize, contentSize, compression })

This actually gives me a negative compression:


This must be the difference between the raw text and the expanded/pretty JSON displayed. Or maybe you inverted body and content size ?

const contentSize = pm.response.text().length;
const bodySize = pm.response.size().body;

Anyway, this is miles away of the real compressed size that I can read from Chrome: ~25KB instead of ~146KB


Albob commented 2 years ago

And yeah +1 on this request 👍

zhao1532072926 commented 1 year ago


kevinswiber commented 1 year ago

@Albob There could be a number of reasons for this. My first guess would be that the Content-Length header isn't matching the actual length of the response body. This can happen when proxies, for example, modify the response body without modifying the value of the Content-Length header. The compression value should never be less than zero.

Why is Chrome showing different results? That's an interesting one. Check the Accept-Encoding request header in Postman and make sure it matches what you're seeing in Chrome. Then check the Content-Encoding response header in both Postman and Chrome to make sure they match.

yevhenii-username commented 1 year ago


joebone commented 1 year ago

seriously? I have a chunked transfer encoded gzip stream with no content length at all, and not even via the dev tools is this available? Calls to the proxy, sure. And in the console, all of the response headers, but the actual like to the body? Body is more than 10 KB and can only be viewed in editor. Except the uncompressed version is 140 megs, and printing it "pretty" isn't great.

Bad form, Peter! [Hook reference for you younguns Guess its back to curl again.. and not the windows one, which apparently doesn't support --compressed

wsl curl --compressed -so /dev/null -w '%{size_download}'

wilbit commented 1 year ago


Buyukcaglar commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this feature?

icedice commented 1 year ago

I need this as well, annoying that we cannot see this out of the box.

xiekeyi98 commented 1 year ago

+1, I need this to investigate server-side performance issues and compare different compression methods( gzip , br , deflate,etc)

nastassia-citian commented 1 year ago

Anyone have any alternatives for calculating compressed response size?

icedice commented 1 year ago

Anyone have any alternatives for calculating compressed response size?

I solved it by running the traffic through mitmproxy and checking the size there, it works but it's a bit convoluted for a basic task.

Buyukcaglar commented 1 year ago

Anyone have any alternatives for calculating compressed response size?


bcmcq commented 1 year ago

+1 🙏

bjaraszk commented 1 year ago


nastassia-citian commented 1 year ago

I ended up adding middleware to my routes to log the compressed / decompressed size. Cross checking with dev tools network tab, it seems pretty accurate.

const logDataSize = (data) => {
    console.warn(`res object size ${typeof data === 'object' ? '(compressed)' : '(decompressed)'}: `, Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(data), 'utf8') / 1024 / 1024 + ' MB');

// Middleware function to log response size
app.use((req, res, next) => {
    const originalSend = res.send;

    if ('env') === 'development') {
        res.send = function(data) {
  , data);

Greg-Hyliion commented 11 months ago


TheAustinG commented 11 months ago

Do +1s even matter at this point? This issue is going on 4 years with no updates. I doubt this is even close to being on their roadmap. Super disappointing.

Anyway, +1 in case it actually does carry any weight lol

Quezler commented 10 months ago


yuenhy commented 7 months ago


tapionx commented 7 months ago


itsdax commented 7 months ago

✨ +1 ✨

gfrancomsft commented 7 months ago


cocorossello commented 6 months ago


alexanderb444 commented 6 months ago


Nabeelaron commented 5 months ago

Any updates on the feature request ? @shamasis

PDonoso-DMF commented 3 months ago
