postmanlabs / postman-app-support

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Encode plus sign in query parameters automatically #8626

Open GcfWarDelicacies opened 4 years ago

GcfWarDelicacies commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug failed to encode URL component

Screenshots all turn on image

when I encode URL component manually, it's ok image but when I do not, it's not ok image

App information (please complete the following information):

codenirvana commented 4 years ago

Looks like the query processor used in the requester server treats + as spaces. According to the URL Standards, + is a safe character and does not require mandatory percent-encoding.

This is similar to every other client and browsers. Are you expecting Postman to automatically encode + in query parameters?

GcfWarDelicacies commented 4 years ago

@codenirvana yes, I want postman to encode every param I try in chrome image same problem

codenirvana commented 4 years ago

Considering this as a feature request. Note: Since this is non-standard, this feature will be enabled via a per-request setting.

LuomingXu commented 4 years ago

I think this feature will be very useful. Could it be added soon?

sparta-developers commented 4 years ago

our users use + sign in their emails, like

we use Postman to reproduce login issues and see plus not URL encoded, which our server expects and treats + as a space.

danbars commented 4 years ago

When using the key/value UI, some characters are encoded (& and =), while others are not (+ and %). From a user experience perspective, I'd expect the UI to have consistent behavior - either I have to enter escaped strings, or the app encodes them for me. I think it should escape all characters that has to be escaped. If I want to manage my own escaping logic, I can use raw body and do whatever I want.

sarthakverma14 commented 3 years ago

@codenirvana is this feature implemented?

magnuswikhog commented 3 years ago

If I activate Encode URL automatically and Use next generation URL processing, I expect parameters to come out on the server exactly as I entered them in Postman - including + characters.

Maybe it's just me, but it doesn't really make sense to me that some special characters (for example /) in a GET-parameter arrive intact on the server, but others (i.e. +) get mangled into spaces. Is this expected behaviour?

I'm using the Postman Desktop app, version 7.32.0 on Mac OSx.

roosto commented 3 years ago

I have just lost 3 or 4 hours to this bug.

If I turn on automatic encoding, I need Postman to ensure that my literal values will be sent to the server in a way that the server will be able decode them and read them as they were set. The fact that Postman does the right thing when injecting variable as values into headers, post params, and body payloads but then has different behavior when dealing with url params is very unexpected.

If I run a script that sets foo='100%', and then I make a request with /path?foo={{foo}} I get a 400 back from the server b/c of the illegal lone % in the query string. I feel like I should have to be trying a lot harder than this to coerce the software into sending malformed requests.

The whole reason to use a tool like Postman is to unburden yourself from the obnoxious little pieces like URL encoding and instead reason about the larger logic of how one’s API acts in complex multi-step chains.

borsini commented 3 years ago

I second this bug report. To let the user decide, having a checkbox to automatically encode all query params would be great.

siggemannen commented 3 years ago

This problem seems to persist in the newest version as well

ghost commented 3 years ago

The problem still occurs on postman v8.7.0

cmbarnett87 commented 2 years ago

Still an issue in v9.0.2

rysiuwroc commented 2 years ago

Still an issue in v9.14.0

sourabhgomebs commented 2 years ago

Still an issue in v9.15.2

pkernevez commented 2 years ago

The '+' char is considered as a separator (ie a space). This is not valid when sending a date. A query parameter for a date (date=2021-04-08T19:32:01+02:00) is received as '2021-04-08T19:32:01 02:00' on the server and can't be parsed. Same discussion here:

mhtmalpani commented 2 years ago

A hack is to make use of the Pre-request Script in Postman.

Paste the following in the Pre-request Script section. This will transform all our params in the Request Url to be encoded. Thus all the + sign would be encoded to %2B

var querycount = pm.request.url.query.count();
for(let i = 0; i < querycount; i++) {
  pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value = encodeURIComponent(pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value);
liautaud commented 1 year ago

According to the URL Standards, + is a safe character and does not require mandatory percent-encoding.

Which exact standards are you referring to here?

According to section 8.2 of RFC1866, browsers looking to send form data in a GET request should add ? to the URI and then append the form data encoded using the form-urlencoded encoding from section 8.2.1. In that encoding, all space characters are replaced by +, and + characters are URL-encoded to %2B. Given that, the only way for a web server or framework to comply with this RFC is to assume that a + character in the query part of a URI refers to a space and not to the + character.

RichardDight commented 1 year ago

It's crazy that this is still an issue. Thanks @mhtmalpani for the snippet

Littlecowherd commented 1 year ago
var querycount = pm.request.url.query.count();
for(let i = 0; i < querycount; i++) {
  pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value = encodeURIComponent(pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value);


VCourdy commented 1 year ago

A hack is to make use of the Pre-request Script in Postman.

Paste the following in the Pre-request Script section. This will transform all our params in the Request Url to be encoded. Thus all the + sign would be encoded to %2B

var querycount = pm.request.url.query.count();
for(let i = 0; i < querycount; i++) {
  pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value = encodeURIComponent(pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value);

Thanks !

You can also handle environment variables this way

var querycount = pm.request.url.query.count();
for(let i = 0; i < querycount; i++) {
    const value = pm.environment.replaceIn(pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value)
    pm.request.url.query.idx(i).value = encodeURIComponent(value);
sh4dowb commented 12 months ago

Looks like the query processor used in the requester server treats + as spaces. According to the URL Standards, + is a safe character and does not require mandatory percent-encoding.

This is similar to every other client and browsers. Are you expecting Postman to automatically encode + in query parameters?

where did you get these "url standards" from? Within the query string, the plus sign is reserved as shorthand notation for a space. Therefore, real plus signs must be encoded. This method was used to make query URIs easier to pass in systems which did not allow spaces. lists plus sign under Reserved lists plus sign under reserved characters (sub-delims) which is used for delimiting stuff (if you're wondering, = is also on the same list. as far as I know postman encodes that.)

i'm pretty sure when I type a plus sign into a human input box, I mean it as a real plus sign. even regular javascript encodes it in the expected format.

why is this issue still open for years, and why are developers so insistent on pushing their own wrong ideas or knowledge, when these indisputably correct standards, specifications and rules defined years ago are used in like literally 100% of sane applications except postman?

I'm guessing it's a fix in postman-request/lib/url-parse.js in function charactersToPercentEncode, but what the hell do I know, apparently these developers have some wise knowledge not accessible by us mortals, that plus sign is a safe character when literally every resource and application tells otherwise.

charlesverge commented 10 months ago

Interesting to note that when you generate a curl request in postman desktop it produces the correct encoding for the plus sign.

egjny commented 10 months ago

This is a bug, and it has been known to be a bug. The developer @codenirvana has obviously never read the HTTP RFCs, and is persisting in some kind of absurd insistence that "+" is a "safe character". Depressing all around. Shades of Newtonsoft promiscuous date parsing in this insistence on preserving wrong behaviour.

the1337beauty commented 3 months ago

I've just encountered this issue when interacting with CrowdStrike APIs.

SomeBdyElse commented 2 months ago

@codenirvana , @giridharvc7 Could this please be addressed?