postmanlabs / postman-app-support

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Allow for Postman to operate over a set of files on disk for better source control integration #8966

Open rglos opened 3 years ago

rglos commented 3 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Source control. I'd like to be able to track who and when changes are made and use our existing source control not something off-premise.

Describe the solution you'd like Allow Postman to operate over a collection of files, just like Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, and then allow us to commit and PR these files, etc.

Describe alternatives you've considered Yes there is an "integration" with GitHub. We are using Azure DevOps (it's current name - also VSTS, VSO, TFS, over the years...). And someone has even asked for it,, but I think if the tool operated over a set of files, this would allow integration with most anything.

Additional context Yes we could export one massive JSON file. And there's even a request,, to make that export individual files, but now i'm importing/exporting each time. Just operate over a folder with files and subfolders.

IainStevenson commented 3 years ago

I use postman almost exclusively to test secured WebApi's in Visual Studio .NET Core and would like the postman collections I associate with that Visual studio solution to be source controlled 'live' with the overall solution via this requested files approach.

Currently I am (appear to be) forced to export the collection to a single file somewhere in my github repo folder after I make and test changes. This makes capturing changes error prone (I sometimes forget to export). Making it save to file(s) rather than file (singular) adds to my woes somewhat as it then a matter of managing which changes.

I would like it to be able to go a little further.

I believe some sort of 'multi file (per request + collection metadata) 'auto save changes' capability might just do the job leaving me to sort something out with regards a more structured VS solution organisation. I suggest changes are saved following a test runner session which 100% succeeds and or manually executed via a 'save test changes' button on the results window.

Ideally I would like to see some sort of tighter binding of development / code management actions via some sort of project template for VS that creates a postman project within the solution and allows one or more collections to be directly accessed from and managed from VS solution explorer.

Postman is a great tool but a more VS solution repo-friendly binding capability would elevate its ease of use for me greatly.

es-alt commented 3 years ago

We use Postman for integration tests. Our current process involves running the collection for each PR to be merged. The only problem is that the updated tests for the new endpoint can't be submitted as part of the same PR.

I want to edit the collection locally and run it locally.

byrdman commented 3 years ago

This would be great, likewise, we keep every thing in a non-github repo, being able to keep our collections in there w/out having to export/import.