postmanlabs / postman-app-support

Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster.
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[Postman v8.0] Sync/WS Connection Issue #9481

Open qqk1011 opened 3 years ago

qqk1011 commented 3 years ago

After installation of the newest version of Postman (8.0.2) and opening the app I received blank screen with following sentence:

Unable to load data as you're offline You can view your work and data once you’re back online.

The same issue I noticed on the web page of postman.


DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

Hey @qqk1011

If you fully quit the app and load it again, does that recreate the connection. I know it's the classic switch it off and on again but sometimes that's what is needed :D

Are you using a VPN or behind a company firewall etc?

aniruddhasm commented 3 years ago

@DannyDainton I am also facing the same issue. Fully quit the app and restart not working. I am using my company VPN.

numaanashraf commented 3 years ago

@aniruddhasm Could you write to us at It'll help us verify few things regarding your account at our end and also we'll be able to help you better troubleshoot this issue at your end.

eavdmeer commented 3 years ago

Exactly the same issue since yesterday. Working through a company VPN and web proxy as well. Using fresh version 8.0.3. Also unable to connect to the web profile. I have no trouble accessing the postman web site to download. image

DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

Hey @eavdmeer

Could you send over the logs to so we can take a look at what's going on, please?

You can find the logs at View -> Developer -> View logs in Finder/Explorer.

Feel free to reference the GH Issue number in the subject line of the email.

eavdmeer commented 3 years ago

I have just downgraded to 7.36.1 and got everything back online. The logs I have will be for the downgraded version as I uninstalled 8.0.3.

ravisaroj76-tech commented 3 years ago

Facing the same issue for the last 2 days

DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

Hey @eavdmeer

The logs are preserved between v7 and v8 so those would still be super useful if you could send them over to us 🙏

DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

We're aware that some users are facing this issue, the best thing to do in this situation is to send us over the logs as mentioned here:

By doing this it will give us a better understanding of the issue and help to investigate the route cause. 🙏

eavdmeer commented 3 years ago

@DannyDainton when you say logs, which ones do you mean? All of these? Some are rather large:


DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

Yep, all of those, please. 🏆

eavdmeer commented 3 years ago

This definitely doesn't look great:

[55653][1611840686526][main][info]["Booting Postman 8.0.3, darwin-19.6.0 on x64"]
[55653][1611840686528][main][info]["EventBus~initialize - Success"]
[55653][1611840686530][main][warn]["CloudProxyManager~init: Error while reading proxy configuration from user data - ",{"errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/proxy","name":"Error","message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/proxy'","stack":"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/proxy'"}]
[55653][1611840686530][main][info]["CloudProxyManager~init - Success"]

It is correct in that the directory does not exist:

> ls /Users/qy69gz/Library/Application\ Support/Postman/Postman_Config/ -R
'/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/':
0  1833460

'/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/0':

'/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/1833460':
userconfigs.json  userfeatureflags.json
Rab815 commented 3 years ago

Something else I noticed about this issue is logging into the web based client, where connectivity is not an issue, I can make a change to the name of a collection and when I open the desktop client the change is reflected even though it says my connection is broken... but it's only on opening the desktop client that the change is reflected. If I make another change in the web based version it's not reflected on the desktop version until I restart it. However the reverse is not true... if I make a change on the desktop version it is NOT ever reflected in the web based version, even after closing and reopening the browser so it seems to be a problem in the push not the pull for the desktop client. Where can we download previous versions of the product? Something in the v7.x.x track???

Sergius92 commented 3 years ago

I am having the same error after the Postman update. I am using Postman through a VPN from my company. Do you need extra log details?

DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

If you have experienced the issue and you haven't done so already, please send all of the log files to

It will help us to investigate the root cause of the problem.

You can find the logs at View -> Developer -> View logs in Finder/Explorer.

Sergius92 commented 3 years ago

If you have experienced the issue and you haven't done so already, please send all of the log files to

It will help us to investigate the root cause of the problem.

You can find the logs at View -> Developer -> View logs in Finder/Explorer.

I've sent an email with full logs.

alex-piccione commented 3 years ago

This definitely doesn't look great:

[55653][1611840686526][main][info]["Booting Postman 8.0.3, darwin-19.6.0 on x64"]
[55653][1611840686528][main][info]["EventBus~initialize - Success"]
[55653][1611840686530][main][warn]["CloudProxyManager~init: Error while reading proxy configuration from user data - ",{"errno":-2,"code":"ENOENT","syscall":"open","path":"/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/proxy","name":"Error","message":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/proxy'","stack":"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/proxy'"}]
[55653][1611840686530][main][info]["CloudProxyManager~init - Success"]

It is correct in that the directory does not exist:

> ls /Users/qy69gz/Library/Application\ Support/Postman/Postman_Config/ -R
'/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/':
0  1833460

'/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/0':

'/Users/qy69gz/Library/Application Support/Postman/Postman_Config/1833460':
userconfigs.json  userfeatureflags.json

I manually created a "proxy" file and it complained because it wasn't a valid JSON. I deleted it. Now the warning is gone and the proxy file is created by the application itself but seems to contain only 4 invalid characters.

I played with the Settings/Proxy without luck (still fail to connect). I have this problem on 2 machines, the company one (we use CheckPoint, not sure if I'm behind a Proxy) and my personal PC, no proxy at all.

eavdmeer commented 3 years ago

Interesting parallel here is that I also use Checkpoint for the company VPN. May be significant

numaanashraf commented 3 years ago

@alex-piccione @eavdmeer Are you facing similar issues while accessing Postman for Web via Checkpoint?

alex-piccione commented 3 years ago

I tested the company pc. I can open the website. Sync is OK. I imported the collections. Postman for Web is working fine for me (it says "In Sync" and is green). The impossibility to connect is only from the desktop app.

[Update] I reopened the desktop app (Windows 10). It still says "Connection error" and it is red but I found all the collections imported via web in the workspace. (also after reload) The collection is there but when click on any request it does not load nothing, the central area remain blank/empty.

Rab815 commented 3 years ago

@alex-piccione @eavdmeer   I don't use checkpoint... I have this problem on a pc for work while I'm behind a vpn, I still have it while the firewall is disabled.  I also tested this with the profile I'm having the issue with on my personal computer.  Then I thought perhaps it was something with my router so I tethered it to my phone and disabled wifi and still had the problem.  Is anyone having an issue on the same machines using a different email address as their sign in.  If I use an alternate gmail address to sign in with, one I haven't used before it connects fine.  Seems to be an issue with an existing profile.

alex-piccione commented 3 years ago

I can confirm, a new account just works fine (Sync on, requests visible and working). No other changes. My work PC (under Checkpoint).

qqk1011 commented 3 years ago

I have additional problem. In my desktop app I can normally sign out, but when I try to do this on the web page, it seems to be impossible.


meyrick119 commented 3 years ago

I'm having the same problem when I installed the latest version.

mazyi commented 3 years ago

You guys should not make the basically function that dependency internet, your sync server is so terrible that always make tool can't use, sometimes I only need send a request but I have to wait sync complete, this is a very bad idea and will make user leave.

Sergius92 commented 3 years ago

You guys should not make the basically function that dependency internet, your sync server is so terrible that always make tool can't use, sometimes I only need send a request but I have to wait sync complete, this is a very bad idea and will make user leave.

I've installed other tool already.

bubblekovrik commented 3 years ago

Except for the original disabling sync issue, it also dumped the collections data on my local machine and created a new backup file (empty). I had to restore my collections using a backup that was saved 2 weeks ago and lost some data. No backups are created before the update?

Zangetsu-GPO commented 3 years ago

It is a mess. Here my log on version 8.0.4

[15600][1612780809313][requester][info]["SyncManagerNew~_onConnectError",{"type":"TransportError","description":{"isTrusted":true},"name":"Error","message":"websocket error","stack":"Error: websocket error\n at WS.6430.Transport.onError (file:///C:/Users/{SOME_USER}/AppData/Local/Postman/app-8.0.4/resources/app.asar/js/requester.js:46161:13)\n at (file:///C:/Users/{SOME_USER}/AppData/Local/Postman/app-8.0.4/resources/app.asar/js/requester.js:48099:10)"}]

JorgeJMartins commented 3 years ago

Installed 8.0.5 and still not working behind company's VPN, proxy and z-Scaler crap! Uninstalled and installed 7.36.1 again and I'm back to normal!

MirekSaska commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue on 8.0.5

[13628][1613040093662][main][info]["WindowManager~closeHandler - Closed Window (id: 6 )"] [13628][1613040095010][main][info]["WindowManager~closeHandler - Closed Window (id: 3 )"] [13628][1613040095244][main][info]["Quitting app"] [21708][1613040118799][main][info]["Booting Postman 8.0.5, win32-10.0.18363 on x64"] [21708][1613040118805][main][info]["EventBus~initialize - Success"] [21708][1613040118809][main][info]["Proxy configuration has not been setup"] [21708][1613040118810][main][info]["CloudProxyManager~init - Success"] [21708][1613040118814][main][info]["UpdateHandler~init - Success"] [21708][1613040120967][main][info]["RuntimeIPCAgent~started: Success"] [21708][1613040122239][main][info]["Bootstrap-models~bootstrap - Success"] [21708][1613040125006][main][info]["window-manager~newSharedWindow: Shell loaded"] [21708][1613040134138][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process shared"] [21708][1613040142321][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronVersionUpdated","namespace":"appUpdate"}] [21708][1613040142361][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process requester"] [21708][1613040261155][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronUpdate","namespace":"app-update"}] [21708][1613040369467][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronUpdate","namespace":"app-update"}] [21708][1613040532419][main][info]["Quitting app"] [4776][1613040550057][main][info]["Booting Postman 8.0.5, win32-10.0.18363 on x64"] [4776][1613040550062][main][info]["EventBus~initialize - Success"] [4776][1613040550065][main][info]["Proxy configuration has not been setup"] [4776][1613040550066][main][info]["CloudProxyManager~init - Success"] [4776][1613040550068][main][info]["UpdateHandler~init - Success"] [4776][1613040550833][main][info]["RuntimeIPCAgent~started: Success"] [4776][1613040551700][main][info]["Bootstrap-models~bootstrap - Success"] [4776][1613040553088][main][info]["window-manager~newSharedWindow: Shell loaded"] [4776][1613040557780][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process shared"] [4776][1613040563069][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronVersionUpdated","namespace":"appUpdate"}] [4776][1613040563096][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process requester"] [4776][1613040638937][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronUpdate","namespace":"app-update"}] [4776][1613040751185][main][info]["WindowManager~closeHandler - Closed Window (id: 3 )"] [4776][1613040751280][main][info]["Quitting app"] [21140][1613041477216][main][info]["Booting Postman 8.0.5, win32-10.0.18363 on x64"] [21140][1613041477223][main][info]["EventBus~initialize - Success"] [21140][1613041477227][main][info]["Proxy configuration has not been setup"] [21140][1613041477228][main][info]["CloudProxyManager~init - Success"] [21140][1613041477230][main][info]["UpdateHandler~init - Success"] [21140][1613041478122][main][info]["RuntimeIPCAgent~started: Success"] [21140][1613041478725][main][info]["Bootstrap-models~bootstrap - Success"] [21140][1613041480491][main][info]["window-manager~newSharedWindow: Shell loaded"] [21140][1613041484697][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process shared"] [21140][1613041488673][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronVersionUpdated","namespace":"appUpdate"}] [21140][1613041488691][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process requester"] [21140][1613041603749][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronUpdate","namespace":"app-update"}] [21140][1613041893039][main][info]["WindowManager~closeHandler - Closed Window (id: 3 )"] [21140][1613041893149][main][info]["Quitting app"] [9892][1613041933832][main][info]["Booting Postman 8.0.5, win32-10.0.18363 on x64"] [9892][1613041933837][main][info]["EventBus~initialize - Success"] [9892][1613041933840][main][info]["Proxy configuration has not been setup"] [9892][1613041933841][main][info]["CloudProxyManager~init - Success"] [9892][1613041933843][main][info]["UpdateHandler~init - Success"] [9892][1613041934740][main][info]["RuntimeIPCAgent~started: Success"] [9892][1613041936073][main][info]["Bootstrap-models~bootstrap - Success"] [9892][1613041938403][main][info]["window-manager~newSharedWindow: Shell loaded"] [9892][1613041941831][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process shared"] [9892][1613041946363][main][info]["UpdateHandler~app-update-events - Received event",{"name":"checkForElectronVersionUpdated","namespace":"appUpdate"}] [9892][1613041946387][main][info]["Main~AppEvents - Received booted event for process requester"]

bavulapati commented 3 years ago

@MirekSaska @JorgeJMartins @Zangetsu-GPO Please help us investigate the root cause of the problem with the logs. We request you to share the additional network log information for understanding the issue better. We suggest you to use canary application, so that your existing application and data is not impacted.

Please find the following instructions for generating the logs. Windows users

  1. Download and install the latest canary app from
  2. Launch the application using the following commands (Use command prompt or Powershell to execute these commands) cd %LOCALAPPDATA%\PostmanCanary .\PostmanCanary.exe --log-net-log=%APPDATA%\PostmanCanary\logs\postman-net.json
  3. Once you are able to see the error, close the application.
  4. Please send all the logs from %APPDATA%\PostmanCanary\logs folder to

Mac Users

  1. Download the latest canary app from Unzip and move it to the Application directory
  2. Launch the application using the following commands /Applications/ --log-net-log=/Users/<username>/Library/Application\ Support/PostmanCanary/logs/postman-net.json
  3. Once you are able to see the error, close the application.
  4. Please send all the logs from /Users//Library/Application\ Support/PostmanCanary/logs folder to
CyberDracula commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue with Postman 8.0.5 behind VPN and proxy. If open the app without the VPN everything looks fine and if i keep the app running and connecting to the VPN it will still work. image

bavulapati commented 3 years ago

@CyberDracula Can you please help us with the investigation of the issue by providing insights on the kind of VPN, proxy you are using? Also please share the logs by following the steps mentioned on previous comment

pekcheey commented 3 years ago

I was getting the error and rolling back the version to 7.36.1 works.

postman-debian10-20210218.tar.gz I'm on debian10 VM via vmplayer on Win10 host.

after the downgrade, I tried opening version8.0.6 and it opens. though most of the previous tabs are gone.

suifengshiqu commented 3 years ago

the same error ,Unable to load data as you're offline, Postman v8.0.6 is the latest version. Snipaste_2021-02-19_15-49-26

twitharshil commented 3 years ago

@suifengshiqu Could you share the logs with us by following the steps mentioned in this comment. It would be nice if you can share a screen recording of your user authentication process on the v8 application. Please mask any sensitive information on the recording. It will help in narrowing down the issue for us.

lukasherman commented 3 years ago

Reproduced on both Canary and NativeApp, logs shared to support email.

Elsewhere42 commented 3 years ago

Same issue here. I open Postman v8.0.6 and all I see is "Unable to load data as you're offline You can view your work and data once you’re back online."

Postman is now effectively useless for me. I already tried to uninstall, reboot and reinstall.

Does anyone have a link to download an older version of Postman that still works?

eavdmeer commented 3 years ago

@Elsewhere42 I have the MacOS version 7.36.1 link only

Elsewhere42 commented 3 years ago

@eavdmeer Thanks... however I need the Win64 version. The Postman support provided the following links to install v7.x

macOS: Windows 64-bit: Linux 64-bit:

kalinakp commented 3 years ago

Same problem with both Postman 8.0.6 and Postman canary. I am in VPN, but with connectivity to the internet (proxy settings are set to system). Send logs over to

DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

We really appreciate all the logs file that you have all sent to us - We're still investigating things from our side and will update the thread with more information, once we have more to share. 🙏

borislt commented 3 years ago

Writing to doesn't help. No answer whatsoever. Are there any plans to fix this version it all?

P.S. We use Postman team account in our business workflow. Being unable to receive support when the app doesn't connect to your servers and sync is not working - is a sign to think about turning away from Postman.

DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

Hey @borislt,

We're still investigating this issue and taking a look at all the logs that have been submitted to us.

Are you able to connect using Postman for Web? - This is by no means a solution and more of a temp measure until we can fix the issues in the native app.

We will add more information to this thread when we have more to share 🙏

borislt commented 3 years ago

Hey @DannyDainton, Thanks for your reply. Yes I currently use browser version with an agent as a workaround (not fun, but at least I can proceed with my work). Hope the issue will be resolved soon. Cheers.

skaria-cloud commented 3 years ago

Hi good Morning,


Hey @borislt,

We're still investigating this issue and taking a look at all the logs that have been submitted to us.

Are you able to connect using Postman for Web? - This is by no means a solution and more of a temp measure until we can fix the issues in the native app.

We will add more information to this thread when we have more to share 🙏

Im also facing latest version on 8 and alsoUNABLE AND NOT ABLE TO USE e the web version as a short term. I have also mailed the support box with all the items above.

Is there any other ETA around this or any other workaround we can try or do we just need to go use a lesser version number?

Thanks for your help.


yogithesymbian commented 3 years ago

1 week ago, still need connection to work with workspace offline

yogithesymbian commented 3 years ago

1 week ago, still need connection to work with workspace offline

ah work with setting -> scratch pad . for offline workspace

DannyDainton commented 3 years ago

Hey @skaria-cloud 👋 ,

Unfortunately, there isn't an update on this just yet. As you're unable to use the web version at this time - The only other option would be to downgrade your app version to the latest V7 build.

The links to the different platforms can be found here:

salarzaidi commented 3 years ago

same issue