postmatic / postmatic-basic

WordPress comment subscription that invite replies and boost engagement.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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European privacy laws #82

Open mundschenk-at opened 7 years ago

mundschenk-at commented 7 years ago

It appears that Postmatic is not listed on - this makes using the plugins (both Replyable and Postmatic itself) problematic for people living in the EU.

Theoretically, it's still possible, but to be legal, Postmatic would have to sign a contract with every customer (containing several standardized clauses).

Vernal commented 7 years ago

Hey @mundschenk-at. This is super complicated. I can't even really make sense of it. I asked our lawyer and he said well, you should get another lawyer. Which we don't have the resources for.

Any help?

mundschenk-at commented 7 years ago

As far as I understand the process, it's a self-certification (i.e. you promise to uphold the standards listed in the "Privacy Shield" agreement). Whether you can in good faith do that is something I cannot comment on, though nothing I've seen so far looks like an undue burden.

However, I am not a lawyer etc.

mundschenk-at commented 6 years ago

Any news on this (and GPDR compliance in general)? Otherwise no-one in the EU will be able to legally use Replyable starting from May 25th 2018.