posty / posty_api

Utility to administrate mailserver based on postfix and dovecot
85 stars 19 forks source link

am installing a new posty mail_server and it was showing an error ant i post my command line error #17

Closed venkynani closed 8 years ago

venkynani commented 9 years ago

Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[bundle exec rake db:migrate]'

Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of bundle exec rake db:migrate ----
STDERR: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/spec_set.rb:92:in `block in materialize': Could not find rake-10.3.2 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound)
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/spec_set.rb:85:in `map!'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/spec_set.rb:85:in `materialize'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/definition.rb:132:in `specs'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/definition.rb:177:in `specs_for'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/definition.rb:166:in `requested_specs'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/environment.rb:18:in `requested_specs'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:13:in `setup'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler.rb:122:in `setup'
    from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/setup.rb:18:in `<top (required)>'
    from /root/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
    from /root/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in `require'
---- End output of bundle exec rake db:migrate ----
Ran bundle exec rake db:migrate returned 1

Resource Declaration:
# In /var/chef/cookbooks/posty/recipes/posty.rb

105: execute "bundle exec rake db:migrate" do
106:   cwd node["posty"]["api"]["location"]
107:   environment ({'RACK_ENV' => node["posty"]["api"]["rack_env"]})
108: end
109: execute "bundle exec rake api_key:generate" do

Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /var/chef/cookbooks/posty/recipes/posty.rb:105:in `from_file'

execute("bundle exec rake db:migrate") do
  action "run"
  retries 0
  retry_delay 2
  default_guard_interpreter :execute
  command "bundle exec rake db:migrate"
  backup 5
  cwd "/srv/posty_api"
  environment {"RACK_ENV"=>"production"}
  returns 0
  declared_type :execute
  cookbook_name :posty
  recipe_name "posty"

Running handlers: [2015-03-31T08:12:26-04:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers Running handlers complete [2015-03-31T08:12:26-04:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete [2015-03-31T08:12:26-04:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /var/chef-solo/chef-stacktrace.out Chef Client failed. 5 resources updated in 12.457879386 seconds [2015-03-31T08:12:26-04:00] ERROR: execute[bundle exec rake db:migrate](posty::posty line 105) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1' ---- Begin output of bundle exec rake db:migrate ---- STDOUT: STDERR: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/spec_set.rb:92:in block in materialize': Could not find rake-10.3.2 in any of the sources (Bundler::GemNotFound) from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/spec_set.rb:85:inmap!' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/spec_set.rb:85:in materialize' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/definition.rb:132:inspecs' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/definition.rb:177:in specs_for' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/definition.rb:166:inrequested_specs' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/environment.rb:18:in requested_specs' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:13:insetup' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler.rb:122:in setup' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0.0/gems/bundler-1.9.2/lib/bundler/setup.rb:18:in<top (required)>' from /root/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:in require' from /root/.rbenv/versions/2.2.0/lib/ruby/2.2.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54:inrequire' ---- End output of bundle exec rake db:migrate ---- Ran bundle exec rake db:migrate returned 1 [2015-03-31T08:12:26-04:00] FATAL: Chef::Exceptions::ChildConvergeError: Chef run process exited unsuccessfully (exit code 1)

am tried many typs of sol

venkynani commented 9 years ago

@iaddict @chicobico @lweis @ben-hx any one please look at this issue

chicobico commented 9 years ago

Is this a vagrant, virtualbox environment or a normal server? Can you write me more details, whats the command you run before this error occurs? How is the environment Chef Client -> Chef Server or Chef Solo?

aditya-dev commented 9 years ago

@chicobico @lweis @iaddict with new posty setup i am unable to create users

error :

There was an error saving the user renee: u. n. d. e. f. i. n. e. d. . m. e. t. h. o. d. . `. e. r. r. o. r. !. '. . f. o. r. . #. <. V. i. r. t. u. a. l. U. s. e. r. :. 0. x. 0. 0. 7. f. a. b. 0. d. 4. 5. 0. 2. 0. 8. >.

There was an error saving the user qas: O. p. e. r. a. t. i. o. n. . n. o. t. . p. e. r. m. i. t. t. e. d. . @. . c. h. o. w. n. _. i. n. t. e. r. n. a. l. . -. . /. s. r. v. /. v. m. a. i. l. /. p. m. p. g. e. t. c. e. r. t. c. o. u.

chicobico commented 8 years ago

I think its a permission problem the api can not create and chown the folder /srv/vmail/pmpget... to user vmail.