potamides / pantran.nvim

Use your favorite machine translation engines without having to leave your favorite editor.
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[ask] how to setup plugin using lazy #20

Open muhfaris opened 11 months ago

muhfaris commented 11 months ago

hi @potamides can you explain to me how to setup this plugin using lazy.nvim my config below, is not work properly.

return {
  keys = {
    { "<leader>ttx", desc = "translate text" },
  config = function()
    require("pantran").setup {
      -- Default engine to use for translation. To list valid engine names run
      -- `:lua =vim.tbl_keys(require("pantran.engines"))`.
      default_engine = "google",
      -- Configuration for individual engines goes here.
      engines = {
        yandex = {
          -- Default languages can be defined on a per engine basis. In this case
          -- `:lua require("pantran.async").run(function()
          -- vim.pretty_print(require("pantran.engines").yandex:languages()) end)`
          -- can be used to list available language identifiers.
          default_source = "auto",
          default_target = "en",
      controls = {
        mappings = {
          edit = {
            n = {
              -- Use this table to add additional mappings for the normal mode in
              -- the translation window. Either strings or function references are
              -- supported.
              ["j"] = "gj",
              ["k"] = "gk",
            i = {
              -- Similar table but for insert mode. Using 'false' disables
              -- existing keybindings.
              ["<C-y>"] = true,
              ["<C-a>"] = require("pantran.ui.actions").yank_close_translation,
          -- Keybindings here are used in the selection window.
          select = {
            n = {
              -- ...


potamides commented 10 months ago

Hi @muhfaris, I don't use lazy.nvim, but maybe I can still help you. Could you please describe your specific problem in more detail?

muhfaris commented 10 months ago

thanks @potamides for reply I try open the dialog with the command <leader>ttx, but nothing happen

souk4711 commented 10 months ago
return {
    config = function ()
      local pantran = require('pantran')

      local opts = {noremap = true, silent = true, expr = true}
      vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>tr", pantran.motion_translate, opts)
      vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>trr", function() return pantran.motion_translate() .. "_" end, opts)
      vim.keymap.set("x", "<leader>tr", pantran.motion_translate, opts)
orhnk commented 9 months ago

    keys = {
            mode = {"n", "v"},
            desc = "Translate",

    opts = {},

    config = function (_, opts)
muhfaris commented 9 months ago

it's still not work for me

orhnk commented 9 months ago

Is this the first plugin you are installing?

Because It works in my setup (Fairly modified)

(e.g) do you have a snippet like so?

require("lazy").setup {
eerison commented 7 months ago

    keys = {
            mode = {"n", "v"},
            desc = "Translate",

    opts = {},

    config = function (_, opts)

Usually lazyvim configs works for astrovim I just need to add return on first line.

I could see the command <leader>tr but nothing happen :(, any idea why?

eerison commented 7 months ago

Ok just to point out, I used this config and it worked, I didn't added line by line to check what was missing, But it worked for AstroVim ;)


eerison commented 7 months ago
return {
    config = function ()
      local pantran = require('pantran')

      local opts = {noremap = true, silent = true, expr = true}
      vim.keymap.set("n", "<Leader>tr", pantran.motion_translate, opts)
      vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>trr", function() return pantran.motion_translate() .. "_" end, opts)
      vim.keymap.set("x", "<leader>tr", pantran.motion_translate, opts)

It also works but you need to select the text ;)