Closed potatoqualitee closed 1 year ago
A priori the string '2022.10.25.1' is not a valid semver :
2. A normal version number MUST take the form X.Y.Z where X, Y, and Z are non-negative integers,
and MUST NOT contain leading zeroes. X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version.
Each element MUST increase numerically. For instance: 1.9.0 -> 1.10.0 -> 1.11.0.
With ''2022.10.25.1' the regex return $false .
I made the choice to use semver instead of [version], we can combine the two if we stay on 3 digits in the number. The [Version] class does not know how to manage the pre-release part, but 4 digit:
It's a format mixing puzzle and PSget seems to straddle both formats :-/ This test case does not exist.
Fixing this requires handling both formats in the version test.
It is necessary to manage the class [Version] OR the regex semver. Either it's semver with or without prerelease, or a version without prerelease I'm looking at the test data this weekend.
We should have something like this, but I haven't tested it:
function Test-Version {
#return $true for a valid version (without prerelease) or a valid semantic version (with or without prerelease).
#On ne sait pas encore quel format de version on manipule
#Est-ce une Semver ou une [Version] sur 3 digits ?
$isSemverOrCLRVersion=$Version -match $script:SemverRegex
if ($isSemverOrCLRVersion -eq $false)
#Ce n'est pas une Semver, mais est-ce une [Version] sur 4 digits?
try { $Version=[Version]$Version } catch {$Version=$null}
#$isCLRVersion est à $true si le cast réussi
$isCLRVersion= $null -ne $Version
#Si ce n'est ni une Semver ni une version valide on renvoie $false
return ($isSemverOrCLRVersion -OR $isCLRVersion)
I adapted the test, as indicated above the versioning of the publication numbers can be done on both formats. There are therefore some collisions to manage, a valid number for one of the formats may be invalid for the other.
[String[]]$global:ValidSemanticVersions = @(
#'1.2' invalid Semver but valid CLR version
#'1' invalid for CLR version AND Semver
'0.0.0' #valid CLR version
'0.0.4', #valid CLR version
'1.2.3', #valid CLR version
'10.20.30', #valid CLR version
'1.0.0', #valid CLR version
'2.0.0', #valid CLR version
'1.1.7', #valid CLR version
... #invalid CLR version
[String[]]$global:InvalidSemanticVersions = @(
'' #valid CLR version
'0.0.-0' #valid CLR version !!
'01.1.1', #valid CLR version
'1.01.1', #valid CLR version
'1.1.01', #valid CLR version
'1.2', #valid CLR version
'2022.1.2.3', #valid CLR version
'1.0' #valid CLR version
'1.2', #valid CLR version
... #invalid semver
[String[]]$global:ValidClrVersions = @(
#'1','11', '1.', '-1' are invalid for [version]'string'
#'1.0' is valid but returns digits initialized to -1
# Major Minor Build Revision
# ----- ----- ----- --------
# 1 0 -1 -1
#note : The value of Version properties that have not been explicitly assigned a value is undefined (-1).
#[version]'1.0.-1' throw an exception
#[version]'0.0.-0' -> OK !!!
'2022.1.2.3' #It is a invalid Semver but a valid clr version.
There are also cases of the 'ValidSemanticVersionConstraints' test set to be excluded in the Test-Version and Test-PrereleaseVersion functions. We will not find these syntaxes in a nuget repository, but in the value of the parameter it remains valid. Finally for the syntax of a version number with prerelease, I don't know which ones are accepted by powershellget. That said, we only manage existing version numbers, therefore authorized on PSGallery. I will try to submit a PR this WE...
Thank you so much for the accommodation!
The problem seems to be fixed:
However I still have to perform a check on the 'ConvertTo-Version' function.
I found this last night and it confirms my doubts about whether or not to follow PowershellGet version management. As I use a regex for semver v2, the minimal risk is to allow valid prerelease version numbers for PSModuleCache but which cannot exist in PSGallery. As a user, you enter an existing version number, except typing error.
I wonder if I'm not going to simplify this version management by reusing the powershell function mentioned above...
See too:
ohh, that is interesting! reusing their own command seems ideal
check it out, @LaurentDardenne ! We can now manage our caches
Yes I saw but in an automation it does not help me, but we can already check the generation of the key name, which can help PSModuleCache users and others :-)
For this version problem which is to manage a specific [Version] + prerelease information I wanted to check if an external repository can contain modules with a different version format. That is to say delivered without using the Publish-Module cmdlet which controls the version format authorized on PSGallery. Then if we try to deliver a module with a 1.0 version, this cmdlet changes the version to 1.0.0, but there are modules on PSgallery with a 1.0 version delivered with a previous version of PSGet (I suppose). It is unlikely, but not impossible, to require such a version to be cached. It is also to be tested.
But being on a complicated professional project, I don't have the desire to code the Weekend at the moment. I would do that on the fly. If the management of version numbers '' matters, we can however deliver what I had corrected, but just a patch in DIY mode ( pas sûr de la traduction :-) ).
I just tested, so we can have any version on a module repository but only those respecting the PowershellGet versioning name can be managed :
Modules in version 1.0 can be saved. This seemed obvious, but we can now specify this behavior in the documentation. I will adapt the code using the function mentioned above.
I plan to fix this problem in the next few days. To note : The following version numbers are valid but do not follow the standard defined for PowershellGet. Their use does not trigger a syntax error but returns 'NoMatchFoundForCriteria' :
'1.2.3- Beta1'
This syntax causes a bug when calling -split on a constrained variable:
$Version,$Prerelease = $Version -split '-',2
#Error: The variable cannot be validated because the value is not a valid value for the Version variable.
I leave the function code as is, it will remain consistent with PowershellGet.
this is fixed in the version i just merged?
Yes it is fixed. As stated I haven't fixed the bugs in the code of the 'ValidateAndGet-VersionPrereleaseStrings' function. And I think most of the time it doesn't bother anyone.
In addition. When searching for a dependent module, it seems that version '2.0.0' (key 'RequiredVersion') is not considered the same as '2.0'...
RequiredModules = @( @{ ModuleName = 'modulerequirelicenseacceptance'; RequiredVersion = '2.0.0'; Guid = '8dba4e13-19fd-41b5-8840-246e2f2b30c7' } )
# Version number of this module.
ModuleVersion = '2.0'
GUID = '8dba4e13-19fd-41b5-8840-246e2f2b30c7'
# Author of this module
Author = 'farehar'
This case throw an exception : MissingMemberException: The required module 'modulerequirelicenseacceptance' with version '2.0.0' is not loaded
C'est bien dommage !
@LaurentDardenne do you have time this week to check this out? Usually I'd be happy to but I'm trying to get a new dbatools library out. A valid version is being said to be invalid
Also, I cannot get
to work, even with single quotes around it. Any suggestions?