potherca-abandoned / Dark-Helmet

⚠️ This project in no longer maintained. ⚠️ -- Tag based Time tracker, expandable through plugin architecture.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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History Listing #53

Closed Potherca closed 7 years ago

Potherca commented 11 years ago

Although a rough draft of history navigation has been added in #29 there is not a "overview" of how much time has been logged on which days. A first step has been added with commit 19c7bfb4e6358f7f1c05c33bd9d87ee19d37d1c but that still needs to be refactored.

arjank commented 11 years ago

Do you also consider to store the data in a database instead of flatfiles? It could make things harder to change (manually), but it also could be faster when calculating the totals. Even more so if you're examining large date spans to find the total logged time.

Potherca commented 11 years ago

Short answer


Long Answer

The LocalConnector is in part just a side-effect of a previous lazy incarnation that did not have the current plugin architecture.

If ticket #24 gets implemented CouchDB would take care of any replication/synchronization issue if DH is used on multiple computers, although implementing #9 would also solve that problem. On the short term a MySql or SQLite connector might be more appropriate, especially as that would contribute to #9 gaining more of a foothold.

Also, as you rightfully stated, flatfile == slow. When I worked on a similar application for a former employer, we did a lot more with the information that went into the hour logger (like run stats and metrics). So much so that the "raw logs" where kept in one DB (write only, for speed) and calculations where done up-front whenever possible and stored in a separate DB (read heavy).

Eventually I would like to be able to run more metrics to see where my time goes and If all my projects are receiving an appropriate amount of time, so I will have to develop DB Connector(s) to that end.