Currently, Pothos SDR is 64bit software, and all the binaries it uses are also 64bit software (such as hackrf_transfer.exe). I would download and install Pothos SDR just to gain access to hackrf_transfer.exe and libhackrf.dll, if the 64bit version would work for my intended use.
Unfortunately, I can't use the 64bit version. So my request is for somebody here who has the capability, please compile a copy of the 32bit version of hackrf_transfer.exe and libhackrf.dll
Currently, Pothos SDR is 64bit software, and all the binaries it uses are also 64bit software (such as hackrf_transfer.exe). I would download and install Pothos SDR just to gain access to hackrf_transfer.exe and libhackrf.dll, if the 64bit version would work for my intended use.
Unfortunately, I can't use the 64bit version. So my request is for somebody here who has the capability, please compile a copy of the 32bit version of hackrf_transfer.exe and libhackrf.dll
Thanks in advance.