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Tutorial: SoapySDRUtil.exe -find finds the device but throws errors (RTL-SDR V 3) #96

Closed nklamann closed 1 year ago

nklamann commented 1 year ago

Brand new Installation :https://downloads.myriadrf.org/builds/PothosSDR/PothosSDR-2021.07.25-vc16-x64.exe I use the RTL_SDR V3-Stick with other programs and used zadig in this context. I follow the Tutorial here https://github.com/pothosware/PothosSDR/wiki/Tutorial#the-soapy-sdr-utility rtl_eeprom shows the device:

C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin>rtl_eeprom.exe
Found 1 device(s):
  0:  Generic RTL2832U OEM

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T/2 tuner

Current configuration:
Vendor ID:              0x0bda
Product ID:             0x2838
Manufacturer:           Realtek
Product:                RTL2838UHIDIR
Serial number:          00000001
Serial number enabled:  yes
IR endpoint enabled:    yes
Remote wakeup enabled:  no

Nevertheless :

C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin>SoapySDRUtil.exe -find
##     Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library     ##

←[1m←[33m[WARNING] SoapyVOLKConverters: no VOLK config file found. Run volk_profile for best performance.←[0m
←[1m←[31m[ERROR] sdrplay_api_Open() Error: sdrplay_api_Fail←[0m
←[1m←[31m[ERROR] Please check the sdrplay_api service to make sure it is up. If it is up, please restart it.←[0m
[INFO] [UHD] Win32; Microsoft Visual C++ version 14.2; Boost_107500; UHD_4.0.0.HEAD-0-g90ce6062
Found Rafael Micro R820T/2 tuner
←[1m←[31m[ERROR] SoapySDR::Device::enumerate(sdrplay) sdrplay_api_Open() failed←[0m
Found device 0

.....   some devices omitted ......
Found device 6
  driver = rtlsdr
  label = Generic RTL2832U OEM :: 00000001
  manufacturer = Realtek
  product = RTL2838UHIDIR
  serial = 00000001
  tuner = Rafael Micro R820T

What is the thing about this error message ?

←[1m←[31m[ERROR] sdrplay_api_Open() Error: sdrplay_api_Fail←[0m
←[1m←[31m[ERROR] Please check the sdrplay_api service to make sure it is up. If it is up, please restart it.←[0m

Update :

Note that the 'driver' in device 6 is rtlsdr and not rtl . So I didn't dare to excute the SoapySDRUtil.exe -make.

Pothos Flow does not show the Dongle and it show only Soapy SDR Blocks: Pothos Flow Problem

These Soapy SDR blocks throw errors in an endless loop when I pull them over to the main window:

Pothos Flow Problem 2

nklamann commented 1 year ago

I poked around a bit and the Problem seems to be solved now, whenever I don't understand why the sdrplay service is needed at all. I did the following : Following this thread https://groups.google.com/g/pothos-users/c/owQukOjRCJ4/m/VKeG-tOeBQAJ i installed The 'API/HW Driver 3.10 | RSP Control Library + Driver' from sdrplay and installed it.

Then I executed

C:\Program Files\PothosSDR\bin>.\SoapySDRUtil.exe --make="driver=rtlsdr"
##     Soapy SDR -- the SDR abstraction library     ##

Make device driver=rtlsdr
Found Rafael Micro R820T/2 tuner
[INFO] Opening Generic RTL2832U OEM :: 00000001...
Found Rafael Micro R820T/2 tuner

And now PothosFlow throws no errors.