pothosware / SoapyAirspy

Soapy SDR plugin for the Airspy
MIT License
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Silence in WAV #24

Open Akito01 opened 4 years ago

Akito01 commented 4 years ago


I'm using this command on a raspberry with an airspy mini: ./rx_fm -E wav -d driver=airspy -f 137.9125M -g LNA=14 - | /usr/bin/sox -t wav -e signed-integer -b 16 -c 1 - rx_test.wav

but this outputs a wav-file with silence.

Why is this? I'm expecting to hear static noise.

starvald commented 4 years ago

rx_sdr and rx_fm were a quick hack from rtl_fm, it's never worked properly, rx_sdr has been fixed up a bit but rx_fm is complete junk.