pothosware / SoapyAirspyHF

SoapySDR plugin to support the Airspy HF+
MIT License
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SoapySDR readStream failed: OVERFLOW #11

Closed dupilax closed 4 years ago

dupilax commented 4 years ago


Since this morning I got this annoying error message : SoapySDR device 'driver=airspyhf,device_id=0': readStream failed: OVERFLOW, disabling

Every component (SoapySDR, SoapyAirspyHF, firmware of the Airspy HF) is up-to-date and I can't get rid of this error...

Any idea to solve this ?


guruofquality commented 4 years ago

Overflows may be normal, especially if the application has not read from the stream buffer fast enough.

Since the application is printing readStream failed: OVERFLOW, disabling, what does that mean? Does "disabling" mean that it stops processing the stream? If you force the application to continue reading the stream does it recover? Perhaps its just a one time issue during setup when samples build up in the buffer before the application can read them out.

dupilax commented 4 years ago

dev of rtl_airband says is it not possible because it could lead to unpredictable behavior.

I upgrade the Raspbian kernel two days before SoapySDR, could it be the root cause ?

dupilax commented 4 years ago

it was an Airspyhf library problem. the dev change one parameter from airpsy.c from #define SAMPLES_TO_TRANSFER (1024 16) to #define SAMPLES_TO_TRANSFER (1024 2)

if I compile airspyhf lib #define SAMPLES_TO_TRANSFER (1024 * 16) no more problem !


guruofquality commented 4 years ago

If they have a hook to control this parameter in the API, this is actually what the stream args in setupStream are supposed to be used for. So we can change it at runtime based on use cases :-)