pothosware / SoapyBladeRF

Soapy SDR plugin for the Blade RF
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BladeRf 2.0 multiple input - 2 different frequences on 2 different inputs #38

Closed mateusz-spychala closed 3 years ago

mateusz-spychala commented 3 years ago


I use Bladerf 2.0 A4 with soapysdr and gr-soapy.

It want to set 2 different frequencies on 2 input channels, but it seems that both channels are set to same frequency.

Is it possible?

guruofquality commented 3 years ago

I think there is only one local oscillator per direction on this hardware, so you only get one frequency for tx, one for rx

mateusz-spychala commented 3 years ago

I have checked in documentation and it is a bit misleading. According to block schematic it should be possible: Block diagram It seems when you switch RX part to TX oscillator you also have to use TX-MON input (that do not have LNA). Summarizing in general case it is possible (external LNA required), on BladeRf hardware it is not possible.