potsky / laravel-localization-helpers

🎌 Artisan commands to generate and update lang files automatically
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Build error when trying to install `potsky/microsoft-translator-php-sdk` as dependency #25

Closed alariva closed 8 years ago

alariva commented 8 years ago


I'm getting a Travis build error when trying to install potsky/microsoft-translator-php-sdk as dependency of potsky/laravel-localization-helpers.

The error is as follows.

  - Installing potsky/microsoft-translator-php-sdk (v0.0.2)
    Downloading: Connecting...    Failed to download potsky/microsoft-translator-php-sdk from dist: Could not authenticate against github.com
    Now trying to download from source
  - Installing potsky/microsoft-translator-php-sdk (v0.0.2)
    Cloning f0d17b1b8716376dabc9a028f1c8e78523ac7e7f
    f0d17b1b8716376dabc9a028f1c8e78523ac7e7f is gone (history was rewritten?)

  Failed to execute git checkout 'f0d17b1b8716376dabc9a028f1c8e78523ac7e7f' -  
  - && git reset --hard 'f0d17b1b8716376dabc9a028f1c8e78523ac7e7f' --          
  fatal: reference is not a tree: f0d17b1b8716376dabc9a028f1c8e78523ac7e7f     

install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-plugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]...

Full Build Info

Is there anything I can do from this end to install it successfully?

Thanks in advance!!

alariva commented 8 years ago

Maybe using a concrete version of potsky/microsoft-translator-php-sdk would fix it?

Like so

potsky commented 8 years ago

Hi !

I cannot check this this week. If you cannot wait for next week, yes, use an explicit commit hash in composer. Use the last one of course in the master branch.

potsky commented 8 years ago

I just have updated the packagist repository, could you try again please ?

alariva commented 8 years ago

I think this is a good solution, but I'm not sure on how to achieve this, as the potsky/microsoft-translator-php-sdk is a dependency of potsky/laravel-localization-helpers, and I have no control over the composer.json that ships with potsky/laravel-localization-helpers package. Maybe I'm missing something. So far I managed to make the build by removing potsky/laravel-localization-helpers, to be re-added when fixed.

Thanks for the prompt reply.

alariva commented 8 years ago

Oh! Sure, I can check this out. Hold on tight ;)

alariva commented 8 years ago

Worked just perfect!

Thanks for the support. By the way, I'm interested in knowing how got this fixed since I'm a newcomer package dev :)