potsky / laravel-localization-helpers

🎌 Artisan commands to generate and update lang files automatically
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Need help. What is "family"? #48

Closed andreich1980 closed 7 years ago

andreich1980 commented 8 years ago

I ran localization:missing and got messages like that

New account in file \resources\views\accounts\create.blade.php will not be included because it has no family

What is the family?

Strings in my blades are like:

@lang('New account')

Strings in my controllers are like:

echo trans(
    'Created :createdCount. Updated :updatedCount',
    compact('createdCount', 'updatedCount')

Please help me.

potsky commented 8 years ago


the family is the name of the lang file. e.g. : @lang('message.New account') Laravel will search in the lang/xx/message.php file for array key New account and get the corresponding value.

If you simply write @lang('New account'), I don't know where Laravel can search. Perhaps it is a new feature (because I don't have write a line of Laravel code for several months) but I don't think so...