Open hadrien-toma opened 4 years ago
Hello folks,
While running the following two pouchdb-servers, the initial state of
database is well replicated tolocalhost:5555/local
but then, when I add a document inlocalhost:4444/local
via fauxton, it is not replicated... Does someone have an idea why?
- localhost:4444:
import * as express from 'express'; import * as expressPouchDB from 'express-pouchdb'; import * as PouchDBStatic from 'pouchdb'; const envs = { admin: { password: 'cloud', username: 'cloud' }, databases: { local: { auth: { username: 'cloud', password: 'cloud' }, subPath: '.dbs/cloud/' } }, port: 4444, subPath: '.dbs/cloud/' }; const prefix = `${process.env.INIT_CWD}/${envs.subPath}`; const app = express(); const pouchdbOnFs = PouchDBStatic.defaults({ prefix }); const expressPouchdbOptions = { configPath: `${prefix}/config.json`, logPath: `${prefix}/log.txt` }; const pouchdbOnFsHandle = expressPouchDB(pouchdbOnFs, expressPouchdbOptions); pouchdbOnFsHandle.couchConfig.set('admins', envs.admin.username, envs.admin.password, (error) => { console.log('cloud', "couchConfig.set('admins', ...)", { error }); }); app.use('', pouchdbOnFsHandle); const localDatabase = new PouchDBStatic<any>('local', { prefix: envs.databases['local'].subPath, auth: envs.databases['local'].auth }); localDatabase .put<any>({ _id: 'en', flag: '🇬🇧' }) .then(({ id, ok, rev }) => { console.log('cloud', 'localDatabase', 'put', 'then', { _id: id, ok, rev }); }) .catch((error) => { console.error('localDatabase', 'put', 'catch', { error }); }); const server = app.listen(envs.port); server.on('error', (error) => { console.log('cloud', 'server', 'error', { error }); });
- localhost:5555:
import * as express from 'express'; import * as expressPouchDB from 'express-pouchdb'; import * as PouchDBStatic from 'pouchdb'; const envs = { admin: { password: 'device', username: 'device' }, databases: { local: { auth: { username: 'device', password: 'device' }, subPath: '.dbs/device/' }, remote: { name: 'http://localhost:4444/local', options: { auth: { username: 'cloud', password: 'cloud' } } } }, port: 5555, subPath: '.dbs/device/' }; const prefix = `${process.env.INIT_CWD}/${envs.subPath}`; const app = express(); const pouchdbOnFs = PouchDBStatic.defaults({ prefix }); const expressPouchdbOptions = { configPath: `${prefix}/config.json`, logPath: `${prefix}/log.txt` }; const pouchdbOnFsHandle = expressPouchDB(pouchdbOnFs, expressPouchdbOptions); pouchdbOnFsHandle.couchConfig.set('admins', envs.admin.username, envs.admin.password, (error) => { console.log('device', "couchConfig.set('admins', ...)", { error }); }); app.use('', pouchdbOnFsHandle); const databases: { [key: string]: PouchDB.Database<any> } = {}; databases['local'] = new PouchDBStatic<any>('local', { prefix: envs.databases['local'].subPath }); databases['remote'] = new PouchDBStatic<any>(envs.databases['remote'].name, envs.databases['remote'].options); databases['local'].replicate.from(databases['remote'], { live: true, retry: true }); const server = app.listen(envs.port); server.on('error', (error) => { console.log('device', 'server', 'error', { error }); });
Were you able to figure out how to do this? Having similar issues.
Nop, I am still blocked on this part...
Hello folks,
While running the following two pouchdb-servers, the initial state of
database is well replicated tolocalhost:5555/local
but then, when I add a document inlocalhost:4444/local
via fauxton, it is not replicated... Does someone have an idea why?const envs = { admin: { password: 'cloud', username: 'cloud' }, databases: { local: { auth: { username: 'cloud', password: 'cloud' }, subPath: '.dbs/cloud/' } }, port: 4444, subPath: '.dbs/cloud/' }; const prefix =
;const app = express();
const pouchdbOnFs = PouchDBStatic.defaults({ prefix }); const expressPouchdbOptions = { configPath:
, logPath:${prefix}/log.txt
}; const pouchdbOnFsHandle = expressPouchDB(pouchdbOnFs, expressPouchdbOptions);pouchdbOnFsHandle.couchConfig.set('admins', envs.admin.username, envs.admin.password, (error) => { console.log('cloud', "couchConfig.set('admins', ...)", { error }); });
app.use('', pouchdbOnFsHandle);
const localDatabase = new PouchDBStatic('local', {
prefix: envs.databases['local'].subPath,
auth: envs.databases['local'].auth
localDatabase .put({ _id: 'en', flag: '🇬🇧' })
.then(({ id, ok, rev }) => {
console.log('cloud', 'localDatabase', 'put', 'then', { _id: id, ok, rev });
.catch((error) => {
console.error('localDatabase', 'put', 'catch', { error });
const server = app.listen(envs.port);
server.on('error', (error) => { console.log('cloud', 'server', 'error', { error }); });