poundbot / rust-plugins

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tr lang. poundbot.cs #2

Open GameTeamWar opened 5 years ago

GameTeamWar commented 5 years ago

using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using Oxide.Core; using Oxide.Core.Libraries; using Oxide.Core.Libraries.Covalence; using Oxide.Core.Plugins; using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Oxide.Plugins { [Info("Pound Bot", "MrPoundsign", "2.0.0")] [Description("Connector for the Discord bot PoundBot.")]

class PoundBot : CovalencePlugin { const string EntityDeathURI = "/entity_death"; const string ApiMessageBaseURI = "/messages"; const string ApiRolesURI = "/roles"; const string ApiChatURI = "/chat"; const string ApiRegisteredPlayersURI = "/players/registered"; const string ApiDiscordAuthURI = "/discord_auth"; const string ApiClansURI = "/clans";

private string ApiBaseURI;

enum DebugLevels { TRACE, INFO };

protected string DebugURI = "";
protected int DebugLevel = (int)DebugLevels.INFO;
protected int ApiRetrySeconds = 1;
protected int ApiRetryNotify = 30;

protected string RegisteredUsersGroup;
protected bool ApiInError;
protected bool ApiRetry;
protected uint ApiRetryAttempts;
protected DateTime ApiErrorTime;
protected DateTime LastApiAttempt;
private Dictionary<string, string> RequestHeaders;
protected bool RegisteredUsersInFlight;
private ChannelList KnownChannelList;

class ApiErrorResponse
  public string Error;

class ApiRequest
  public RequestMethod Method;
  public string URI;
  public string Body;
  public Plugin Plugin;
  public string RequestUUID;

  public ApiRequest(RequestMethod method, string uri, string body, Plugin plugin)
    Method = method;
    URI = uri;
    Body = body;
    Plugin = plugin;
    RequestUUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

#region PoundBot messages
class Channel
  public string ID;
  public string Name;
  public bool CanSend;
  public bool CanStyle;

  public bool IsAvailable()
    return CanSend || CanStyle;

class ChannelList
  public Channel[] Channels;

  public bool CanSendTo(string channel)
    foreach (Channel chan in Channels)
      if (chan.Name == channel || chan.ID == channel)
        return chan.CanSend;
    return false;

  public bool CanStyleTo(string channel)
    foreach (Channel chan in Channels)
      if (chan.Name == channel || chan.ID == channel)
        return chan.CanStyle;
    return false;

class DiscordAuth
  public string PlayerID;
  public string DisplayName;
  public string ClanTag;
  public string DiscordName;
  public int Pin;
  public DateTime CreatedAt;

  public DiscordAuth(string displayName, string discordName, string playerid)
    Pin = new System.Random().Next(1, 9999);
    DisplayName = displayName;
    DiscordName = discordName;
    PlayerID = playerid;
    CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;

public class GameMessageEmbedStyle
  public string Color { get; set; }

class GameMessagePart
  public string Content { get; set; }
  public bool Escape { get; set; }

class GameMessage
  public GameMessagePart[] MessageParts { get; set; }
  public int Type { get; set; } // 0 = plain, 1 = embedded
  public GameMessageEmbedStyle EmbedStyle { get; set; }

class RoleSyncRequest
  public string GuildID;
  public string[] PlayerIDs;

class EntityDeath
  public string Name;
  public string GridPos;
  public string[] OwnerIDs;
  public DateTime CreatedAt;

  public EntityDeath(string name, string gridpos, string[] ownerIDs)
    Name = name;
    GridPos = gridpos;
    OwnerIDs = ownerIDs;
    CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow;

#region Configuration
protected override void LoadDefaultConfig()
  Config["api.url"] = "https://api.poundbot.com/";
  Config["api.key"] = "API Anahtarı Buraya Gelecek";
  Config["config.version"] = 2;
  Config["players.registered.group"] = "default";

void UpgradeConfig()
  string configVersion = "config.version";
  bool dirty = false;

  if (Config[configVersion] == null)
    Config[configVersion] = 1;
      var foo = (string)Config[configVersion];
      Config[configVersion] = 2;
      dirty = true;
    catch (InvalidCastException) { } // testing if it can be converted to a string or not. No need to change it because it's not a string.

  if ((int)Config[configVersion] < 2)
    LogWarning(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("config.upgrading", this), "1.1.2"));

    // Update the API endpoint
    string api_url = (string)Config["api_url"];
    if (api_url == "http://poundbot.mrpoundsign.com/" || api_url == "http://api.poundbot.com/")
      Config["api.url"] = "https://api.poundbot.com/";
      Config["api.url"] = (string)Config["api_url"];
    Config["api.key"] = (string)Config["api_key"];
    Config["players.registered.group"] = "poundbot.registered";
    Config[configVersion] = 2;
    dirty = true;

  if (dirty)

#region Language
protected override void LoadDefaultMessages()
  lang.RegisterMessages(new Dictionary<string, string>
    ["config.upgrading"] = "Config Dosyasını v{0} Yükseltme",
    ["config.api_key_updated"] = "API anahtarınız güncellendi. Config / PoundBot.json dosyasını kontrol edin.",
    ["command.poundbot_register"] = "pbkayıt",
    ["connector.reconnected"] = "PoundBot Tekrar Bağlanıldı",
    ["connector.time_in_error"] = "Toplamda Hatalı Bağlanma Süresi: {0}",
    ["connector.error"] = "PoundBot İle Bağlantı Kurulurken Hata Oluştu: {0}:{1}",
    ["connector.error_with_rid"] = "PoundBot İle Bağlantı Kesildi Ve Hata oluştu: [{0}] {1}:{2}",
    ["connector.user_error"] = "PoundBot’a Şu Anda Bağlanılamıyor. Lütfen Yöneticileri Uyarın.",
    ["discord.pin"] = "Bu Kodu Discord Üzerinde Bot'a Gönderiniz: {0}.",
    ["discord.connected"] = "Kayıt İşlemi Tamamlandı!",
    ["discord.already_connected"] = "Önceden Kayıt İşlemi Yapmış Görünüyorsun!",
    ["discord.not_connected"] = "Kayıt Bulunamadı.",
    ["discord.channels_updated"] = "Mevcut Kanal Güncelendi!",
    ["discord.channel_cannot_send"] = "Discord {0} Kanalına Bildirim Gönderilemiyor. Lütfen Botun Bu Kanala Bağlantısını Kontrol Edin. Önbelleği Güncellemek İçin Discord Değişiklikleri Yaptıktan Sonra \tpb.kanalgüncelle Komutunu Kanalda Çalıştırın.",
    ["discord.channel_cannot_style"] = "Discord {0} Kanalına Bildirim Gönderilemiyor. Lütfen Kanal İd'sini Yerleştirdiğinizi Ve Botun Bu Kanala Bağlantısını Kontrol edin. Önbelleği Güncellemek İçin Değişiklikleri Yaptıktan Sonra ! pb.kanalgüncelle Komutunu Kanalda Çalıştırın.",
    ["usage.pbreg"] = "Usage: /pbkayıt \"<discord ismi>\"\n Örnek: /discord \"Fantezi Adamı#8080\"",
    ["usage.set_api_key"] = "Kullanımı:\n\tpb.api_ayar <api key>",
    ["discord.console.registration_attempt"] = "{0} ({1}) oyuncusu {2} olarak kaydolmaya çalışıyor",
  }, this);


#region Oxide API
void Init()
  ApiBaseURI = $"{Config["api.url"]}api";

  RegisteredUsersGroup = (string)Config["players.registered.group"];
  permission.RegisterPermission(RegisteredUsersGroup, this);
  if (!permission.GroupExists(RegisteredUsersGroup))
    permission.CreateGroup(RegisteredUsersGroup, "PoundBot Registered Users", 0);

  AddLocalizedCommand("command.poundbot_register", "CommandPoundBotRegister");


  timer.Every(5f, () =>
    if (RegisteredUsersInFlight) return;
    RegisteredUsersInFlight = true;
    Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.GET, ApiRegisteredPlayersURI, null, this),
    (code, response) =>
      RegisteredUsersInFlight = false;
      if (code == 200)
        string[] groupPlayerIDs = permission.GetUsersInGroup(RegisteredUsersGroup);
        string[] playerIDs = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<string[]>(response);

        for (int i = 0; i < groupPlayerIDs.Length; i++)
          groupPlayerIDs[i] = groupPlayerIDs[i].Substring(0, groupPlayerIDs[i].IndexOf(' '));

        // hot group diff action
        string[] playersToRemove = groupPlayerIDs.Except(playerIDs).ToArray();
        string[] playersToAdd = playerIDs.Except(groupPlayerIDs).ToArray();

        if (playersToAdd.Length + playersToRemove.Length == 0)
          return true;

        foreach (string id in playersToRemove)
          Puts($"Removing user {id} from {RegisteredUsersGroup}");
          permission.RemoveUserGroup(id, RegisteredUsersGroup);

        foreach (string id in playersToAdd)
          Puts($"Adding user {id} to {RegisteredUsersGroup}");
          permission.AddUserGroup(id, RegisteredUsersGroup);
        return true;

      Puts("Unuccessful registered players get");
      return false;

private void ApplyConfig()
  RequestHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>
    ["Content-type"] = "application/json",
    ["Authorization"] = $"Token {Config["api.key"]}",
    ["X-PoundBotConnector-Version"] = Version.ToString(),
    ["User-Agent"] = $"PoundBotConnector/{Version.ToString()}",
    ["X-PoundBot-Game"] = covalence.Game.ToLower()

#region API

// private Dictionary<string, string> Headers() => RequestHeaders;

private string API_RegisteredUsersGroup() => RegisteredUsersGroup;

private string ApiBase() => ApiBaseURI;

private bool ApiRequestOk()
  if (ApiInError && !ApiRetry && (LastApiAttempt.AddSeconds(ApiRetrySeconds) < DateTime.Now))
    if (ApiRetryAttempts == 1 || ApiRetryAttempts % ApiRetryNotify == 0)
      Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("connector.time_in_error", this), DateTime.Now.Subtract(ApiErrorTime)));
    ApiRetry = true;
  return (!ApiInError || ApiRetry);

private void ApiError(int code, string response, string requestID = null)
  string error;
  if (ApiInError)
    if (ApiRetry)
      LastApiAttempt = DateTime.Now;
      ApiRetry = false;

    if (ApiRetryAttempts % ApiRetryNotify != 0) return;
    ApiErrorTime = DateTime.Now;
    LastApiAttempt = DateTime.Now;
    ApiInError = true;
    ApiRetry = false;

  if (code == 0)
    error = "Bağlantı hatası!";
      var air = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ApiErrorResponse>(response);
      error = air.Error;
      error = response;
  if (code == 0)
    Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("connector.error", this), code, error));
  Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("connector.error_with_rid", this), requestID, code, error));


private bool ApiSuccess(bool success)
  // Reset retry variables if we're successful
  if (ApiInError && success)
    Puts(lang.GetMessage("connector.reconnected", this));
    Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("connector.time_in_error", this), DateTime.Now.Subtract(ApiErrorTime)));
    ApiRetryAttempts = 0;
    ApiInError = false;
    ApiRetry = true;
  return success;

#region Requests

private bool Request(ApiRequest api_request, Func<int, string, bool> callback)
  if (!ApiRequestOk()) return false;

  if (DebugURI != "" && api_request.URI.StartsWith(DebugURI))
    Puts($"Request from {api_request.Plugin.Name} to {api_request.URI} with RequestUUID {api_request.RequestUUID}");

  if (api_request.Plugin == null)
    api_request.Plugin = this;

  Dictionary<string, string> rHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>(RequestHeaders);
  rHeaders["X-Request-ID"] = api_request.RequestUUID;

  webrequest.Enqueue($"{ApiBaseURI}{api_request.URI}", api_request.Body,
  (code, response) =>
    if (!ApiSuccess(callback(code, response)))
      ApiError(code, response, rHeaders["X-Request-ID"]);
  api_request.Plugin, api_request.Method, rHeaders, 12000f);

  return true;
// Returns true if request was sent, false otherwise.
private bool API_Request(string uri, string body, Func<int, string, bool> callback, Plugin owner, RequestMethod method = RequestMethod.GET, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
  return Request(new ApiRequest(method, uri, body, this), callback);

#region Messages API
private bool API_SendChannelMessage(Plugin owner, string channel, KeyValuePair<string, bool>[] message_parts, string embed_color = null, Func<int, string, bool> callback = null, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null, string type = "plain")
  List<GameMessagePart> parts = new List<GameMessagePart>();

  foreach (KeyValuePair<string, bool> part in message_parts)
      new GameMessagePart
        Content = part.Key,
        Escape = part.Value

  GameMessage sm = new GameMessage
    MessageParts = parts.ToArray()

  if (embed_color != null)
    if (!KnownChannelList.CanStyleTo(channel))
      Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("discord.channel_cannot_style", this), channel));
      return false;
    sm.Type = 1;
    sm.EmbedStyle = new GameMessageEmbedStyle
      Color = embed_color
    if (!KnownChannelList.CanSendTo(channel))
      Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("discord.channel_cannot_send", this), channel));
      return false;

  if (channel[0] == '#')
    channel = channel.Substring(1);

  if (callback == null)
    callback = (int code, string response) => (code == 200);

  string body = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sm);
  return Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.POST, $"{ApiMessageBaseURI}/{channel}", body, owner), callback);

private bool API_GetChannelMessage(Plugin owner, string channel, Func<int, string, bool> callback = null)
  return Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.GET, ApiChatURI, null, owner), callback);

#region Roles API
private bool API_SendRole(Plugin owner, string[] groupPlayerIDs, string role, Func<int, string, bool> callback)
  RoleSyncRequest rsr = new RoleSyncRequest
    PlayerIDs = groupPlayerIDs,

  return Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.POST, $"{ApiRolesURI}/{role}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(rsr), owner), callback);

private bool API_SendEntityDeath(Plugin owner, string name, string gridPos, string[] owners, Func<int, string, bool> callback)
  EntityDeath di = new EntityDeath(name, gridPos, owners);

  return Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.PUT, EntityDeathURI, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(di), owner), callback);

private bool API_SendClans(Plugin owner, List<JObject> clans, Func<int, string, bool> callback)
  return Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.PUT, ApiClansURI, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(clans), owner), callback);

private bool API_SendClan(Plugin owner, string tag, JObject clan, Func<int, string, bool> callback)
  return Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.PUT, $"{ApiClansURI}/{tag}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(clan), owner), callback);

private bool API_DeleteClan(Plugin owner, string tag, Func<int, string, bool> callback)
  return Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.DELETE, $"{ApiClansURI}/{tag}", null, owner), callback);

private void Connected()

private void UpdateChannels()
  Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.GET, ApiMessageBaseURI, null, this),
      (code, response) =>
        if (code == 200)
          KnownChannelList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ChannelList>(response);
          Puts(lang.GetMessage("discord.channels_updated", this));
          return true;

        return false;

public void PrintChannels(bool all = false)
  foreach (Channel c in KnownChannelList.Channels)
    if (all || c.IsAvailable())
      Puts($"ID: {c.ID}, Name: {c.Name}, CanSend: {c.CanSend}, CanStyle: {c.CanStyle}");

#region Helpers
private void AddLocalizedCommand(string key, string command)
  foreach (var language in lang.GetLanguages(this))
    var messages = lang.GetMessages(language, this);
    foreach (var message in messages.Where(m => m.Key.Equals(key)))
      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Value)) AddCovalenceCommand(message.Value, command);

#region Commands
private void CommandPoundBotRegister(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args)
  if (args.Length != 1)
    player.Message(lang.GetMessage("usage.pbreg", this, player.Id));

  if (args[0] == "check")
    Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.GET, $"{ApiDiscordAuthURI}/check/{player.Id}", null, this),
    (code, response) =>
      if (code == 200)
        player.Message(lang.GetMessage("discord.connected", this, player.Id));
        return true;

      if (code == 404) // Method not allowed means we're already connected
        player.Message(lang.GetMessage("discord.not_connected", this, player.Id));
        return true;

      return false;


  Regex r = new Regex(@"^[^#]+#[0-9]+$");
  if (!r.Match(args[0]).Success)
    player.Message(lang.GetMessage("usage.pbreg", this, player.Id));

  string.Format(lang.GetMessage("discord.console.registration_attempt", this), player.Name, player.Id, args[0]);

  var da = new DiscordAuth(player.Name, args[0], player.Id);

  Request(new ApiRequest(RequestMethod.PUT, ApiDiscordAuthURI, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(da), this),
    (code, response) =>
      if (code == 200)
        player.Message(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("discord.pin", this, player.Id), da.Pin.ToString("D4")));
        return true;

      if (code == 409) // Conflict means we're already connected
        player.Message(lang.GetMessage("discord.already_connected", this, player.Id));
        return true;

      return false;

private void ConsoleCommandUpdateChannels(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args)

private void ConsoleCommandChannels(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args)
  PrintChannels((args.Length != 0));

private void ConsoleCommandSetAPIKey(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args)
  if (args.Count() != 1)
    Puts(lang.GetMessage("usage.set_api_key", this));

  Puts(lang.GetMessage("config.api_key_updated", this));
  Config["api.key"] = args[0];

private void ConsoleCommandSetDebugURI(IPlayer player, string command, string[] args)
  if (args.Count() != 1)
    Puts(lang.GetMessage("usage.set_debug_uri", this));

  DebugURI = args[0];

} }

mrpoundsign commented 5 years ago

Thanks, @GameTeamWar, but at this time, it's not possible to translate the commands. I will do some research and see if I can get it into the lang files.