pouryafard75 / RM-ASTDiff

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Merge Conditional not shown in the diff #77

Open tsantalis opened 1 year ago

tsantalis commented 1 year ago


We should check all new cases added in the oracle https://github.com/tsantalis/RefactoringMiner/commit/d8bb59b25d0409e8ab07fa7e1b2495b371334c9b#diff-6dacce79421f046bc43455a79cf254020e0880c9b86ed2f6242ef2b9943ac5fc

There is a Merge Conditional refactoring Merge Conditional [if(getVirtualFile().isValid()), if(getVirtualFile() == null)] to return virtualFile == null || !virtualFile.isValid() ? null : virtualFile; in method public getData(dataId String) : Object from class com.intellij.openapi.vcs.history.FileHistoryPanelImpl but the expressions of the if statements are not matched with the conditions of the ternary operator.

We should allow getter call getVirtualFile() to be replaced with variable SimpleName virtualFile and vice versa.

Screenshot from 2023-04-19 22-01-43

tsantalis commented 1 year ago


Extract Variable structure : char[] in method public read(cbuf char[], off int, len int) : int from class org.thymeleaf.templateparser.reader.BlockAwareReader

Invert Condition if(!this.insideComment) to final char[] structure=(this.insideComment ? this.suffix : this.prefix); in method public read(cbuf char[], off int, len int) : int from class org.thymeleaf.templateparser.reader.BlockAwareReader

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 20-58-01

tsantalis commented 1 year ago


Split Conditional int localTopologyId=cacheTopology != null ? cacheTopology.getTopologyId() : -1; to [int localTopologyId=cacheTopology.getTopologyId();, if(cacheTopology == null)] in method public forwardCommandIfNeeded(command TopologyAffectedCommand, affectedKeys Set<Object>, origin Address) : Map<Address,Response> from class org.infinispan.statetransfer.StateTransferManagerImpl

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 21-01-16

tsantalis commented 1 year ago


Extract Variable injectingLocator : ServiceLocator in method public inject(t Object, cc CreationalContext) : void from class org.glassfish.jersey.ext.cdi1x.internal.CdiComponentProvider.Hk2InjectedCdiTarget

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 21-07-48

tsantalis commented 1 year ago


Merge Conditional [return 1;, if(this.score < o.score)] to return this.score < o.score ? 1 : -1; in method public compareTo(o Keyword) : int from class org.ansj.app.keyword.Keyword

Merge Conditional [return -1;, if(this.score < o.score)] to return this.score < o.score ? 1 : -1; in method public compareTo(o Keyword) : int from class org.ansj.app.keyword.Keyword

Screenshot from 2023-04-30 21-11-42