poutnikl / Brouter-profiles

My profiles for Brouter offline routing on Android platform
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cost for routing over "ford" #11

Closed utack closed 7 years ago

utack commented 7 years ago


maybe fords can be added? https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:ford
A part of a street that is marked as ford=yes could be assumed flooded, and have a really high penalty. Same goes for crossing a ford=yes point, that is on the way.

Or are they too rare to be considered in the route calculation?


poutnikl commented 7 years ago

Hi utack, you can see the frequency of BRouter relevant OSM tag combinations key=value for Germany in Brouter lookups.dat file.

Fords seem frequent enoug to consider. But penalizing them can be very tricky.

Where is just a node with ford=yes, it can be (almost) dry, or passable by a bicycle ride, or just by simple pushing or carrying bike barefoot.

Where is a way with ford=yes, it is supposed to be wider, but what is passable for cars, is usually passable for bikes as well, by one of above methods.

So it is a question of opinion, what initiialcost for a node and initilcost and costfactor for the way to use. The ford ways should use the ford node as well, being joined with water strams ( both with ford=yes, as highway=ford is deprecated ).

What values do you suggest ?

poutnikl commented 7 years ago
poutnikl commented 7 years ago

As "way fords" should be marked as highway= ford=yes, it should be considered. A ford on main network highway with declared surface ( e.g. surface=concrete ) is probably easier to overcome then a ford on a track/path with expected stones on the river bed.

utack commented 7 years ago

ford I would say gets a bit more penatly than walking, because you might have to carry your bike?
A node needs to represent time to get off and on the bike, and 5m carrying it maybe? Quite honestly I am not sure what kind of cost that would be

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

Try Trekking-Poutnik in Ford-handling branch. Use parameter ford_handling ( line 47 ) = 0/1/2/3 for 0=ignore(like before),1=penalize(default),2=soft avoid , 3=forbide

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

eventually, play with numerical values on lines 120-133, where are manages both initialcosts and the costfactor ( additive to the highways costfactor )

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

The initial cost depends on if you go through like a hardcore biker, so initialcost is minimal if you just carry it , so it is like 50m if you additionally have to adjust yourself ( shoes, cloth ) , like 200-500m if you additionally have to unload your bike when travelling, like 1-2 km

utack commented 7 years ago

bildschirmfoto vom 2017-01-23 16-14-59 Yes it works. This is mode 2 My guess would be that mode 1 is currently too low penatly and mode 2 too high penalty, but it works

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

Every penalty would be too low and too high at the same time, depending on circumstances,
what is the physical situation
and what is your approach to it. :-)

utack commented 7 years ago

I guess 500 for nodes is ok. Carring a bike over a water is not pleasant, worst case we better drive 200m around a dry ford, it is not like they are so common it will influence long routes a lot Thank you for adding it so quickly

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

BTW, I am still thinking about the ford penalty system automatically derived from MTB factor. MTB_factor < -1.5 - fords forbidden, MTB_factor > +1.5 - fords ignored, rest something ( non linearly ) between.

utack commented 7 years ago

That would be smart, there are so many parameters already

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

My approach is to make the profile template tuneable, not to have a profile one size fits all. OTOH, to have some default settings that would fit the need of majority.

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

I think the used MTB_factor for the ford handling would explicitly express the user attitude to troubles, so he would got what he wanted.

utack commented 7 years ago

Absolutely, it is a good idea

poutnikl commented 7 years ago

Version 2.5.10 BETA - the link as above: * ford_handling via MTB_factor ! fixing penalizations of empty tracktype and surface + added progressive decrease/increase of turncosts for positive/negative MTB_factor