pow-auth / assent

Multi-provider framework in Elixir
MIT License
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`defoverride` for definitions from `Assent.Strategy` when `use`ing `Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base` #155

Open paulbalomiri opened 2 months ago

paulbalomiri commented 2 months ago

I'm implementing a provider, which needs an aditional body parameter when calling the token endpoint. in order to override &Assent.Strategy.callback/2, i think that the additional defoverridable Helpers (or defoverridable callback: 2) is needed, otherwhise the implementation in my custom module is ignored.

** Should this overridable definition not be included in the __using/2 definition of Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base?

The use definition defines these behavoiurs:


The only defoverridable in the Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base.__using__/1 Macro is this one:


In order to override the callback/2 in my implementation module i need to do this:

defmodule CanteAuth.Assent.Strategy.Anaf do
  use Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base
 #Shouldn't this be in Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base.__using__/1?
  defoverridable Helpers
  @impl Helpers
  def callback(config, params) do

Is the macro Assent.Strategy.OAuth2.Base.__using__/1 really missing the line

defoverridable Helpers

or am I missing something obvious, for overriding functions imported from Assent.Strategy?

Thank you for this wonderful library! ❤️