pow-auth / pow

Robust, modular, and extendable user authentication system
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Elixir 1.15 deprecation warnings #707

Closed jrfranks closed 10 months ago

jrfranks commented 10 months ago

Compiling using elixir 1.15.2 produces the following deprecation warnings:

Warning: missing parentheses for expression following "do:" keyword. Parentheses are required to solve ambiguity inside keywords.

This error happens when you have function calls without parentheses inside keywords. For example:

function(arg, one: nested_call a, b, c)
function(arg, one: if expr, do: :this, else: :that)

In the examples above, we don't know if the arguments "b" and "c" apply to the function "function" or "nested_call". Or if the keywords "do" and "else" apply to the function "function" or "if". You can solve this by explicitly adding parentheses:

function(arg, one: if(expr, do: :this, else: :that))
function(arg, one: nested_call(a, b, c))

Ambiguity found at: lib/pow/ecto/schema/password.ex:102

The above warning is also reported in the following locations: lib/pow/extension/ecto/schema.ex:237 lib/pow/plug/message_verifier.ex:49 lib/pow/plug/message_verifier.ex:51

warning: Logger.warn/1 is deprecated. Use Logger.warning/2 instead lib/pow/store/backend/mnesia_cache/unsplit.ex:168: Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.Unsplit.reset_node/2

warning: Logger.warn/1 is deprecated. Use Logger.warning/2 instead lib/pow/store/backend/mnesia_cache/unsplit.ex:186: Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.Unsplit.autoheal/2

warning: Logger.warn/1 is deprecated. Use Logger.warning/2 instead lib/pow/store/backend/mnesia_cache.ex:464: Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.init_invalidators/2

warning: Logger.warn/1 is deprecated. Use Logger.warning/2 instead lib/pow/store/backend/mnesia_cache.ex:471: Pow.Store.Backend.MnesiaCache.init_invalidators/2

warning: :functions option in eval is deprecated (elixir 1.15.2) src/elixir.erl:293: :elixir.env_for_eval/1 (elixir 1.15.2) lib/code.ex:998: Code.eval_quoted/3 (eex 1.15.2) lib/eex.ex:344: EEx.do_eval/3 lib/pow/phoenix/template.ex:115: Pow.Phoenix.Template."MACRO-template"/4 (elixir 1.15.2) src/elixir_dispatch.erl:224: :elixir_dispatch.expand_macro_fun/7 (elixir 1.15.2) src/elixir_dispatch.erl:187: :elixir_dispatch.do_expand_import/7

danschultzer commented 10 months ago

Thanks! I already had some work in a branch, but got occupied with work. In main now, soon to be released 😄