pow-auth / pow_assent

Multi-provider authentication for your Pow enabled app
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Fix warning on Elixir 1.12 #211

Closed Schultzer closed 3 years ago

Schultzer commented 3 years ago

After compiling a project on Elixir 1.12 then I receive this error:

warning: module attribute @impl was not set for function create/2 callback (specified in PowAssent.Ecto.UserIdentities.Context). This either means you forgot to add the "@impl true" annotation before the definition or that you are accidentally overriding this callback
  lib/pulse/accounts/user_identities.ex:3: Pulse.Accounts.UserIdentities (module)

I could not find anything mentioned in the changelog https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/v1.12/CHANGELOG.md, that would indicate that defdelegate would produce this error when used in https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/typespecs.html#behaviours.


I think I've found the PR that introduced this: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/pull/10682

danschultzer commented 3 years ago

Thanks, v0.4.11 has been released!