powa-team / powa-web

PoWA user interface
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Incorrect authentication to powa-web #139

Closed hrawulwa closed 2 years ago

hrawulwa commented 2 years ago

Hello, When accessing the Powa Web, it is allowing me to login i) without providing any username and password ii) when providing only username and null password

The only time it is trying to authenticate is when issuing wrong username and it displays Auth failed message. But the first two points, it is serious security issue.

I have a remote setup, and have powa-collector-1.1.1 and powa-web-4.1.1. running on single server. I thought pg_hba.conf file will also be used to authenticate the Web, but does not seem to be.

How do I enforce username and password requirements correctly? Please advise.

[postgres@sl73pgtldbp002 powa-web-4.1.1]$ cat powa-web.conf

servers={ 'main': { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': '5432', 'database': 'powa', 'query': {'client_encoding': 'utf8'} } } cookie_secret="SUPERSECRET_THAT_YOU_SHOULD_CHANGE"

Some extra options you can set


port on which the UI should be available.


Address on which the UI should be available on


Forbid UI to connect to databases globally (can be configured per server)


Custom URL prefix the UI should be available on


Thanks Hari

rjuju commented 2 years ago


powa-web doesn't have any additional authentication layer on top of postgres authentication: connecting to powa-web means connecting to postgres. So if you can connect to powa-web without providing a password and without storing the credentials in powa-web.conf, it means that the authentication configuration on the target database allows it. It could be due to pg_hba.conf allowing it, maybe for the powa-web host specifically or not, or something else like a .pgpass available for the user running powa-web.

In any case, this is external to powa-web itself.

hrawulwa commented 2 years ago

I'm able to resolve this myself. Basically pg_hba.conf file was using trust authentication for localhost. So, I modified to use the IP address in the powa-web.conf instead of localhost. It worked after this modification.

Thanks Hari

rjuju commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks for the confirmation!

hrawulwa commented 2 years ago

Looks like our messages criss crossed. Yes, you are correct about the pg_hba.conf file. Thanks agaiin.