poweradminllc / PAExec

Remote execution, like PsExec
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Cannot run Opera / Chrome with different credentials #15

Open G-J-Z opened 8 years ago

G-J-Z commented 8 years ago

Running two commands give different results: PAExec.exe -u SafeStart -p *** -d -i "C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" --private and PsExec.exe -u SafeStart -p *** -d -i "C:\Program Files\Opera\launcher.exe" --private

With PsExec the application loads but for yet unknown reasons it does not load Opera fully functional. This command works properly with Internet Explorer and Firefox. But Chrome and Opera are starting but not working correctly. I also tried starting the application without using the launcher but got the same results. psexec - starts with issues

When using PAExec I am getting an error and the application does not load at all. application error

Here is the screen shot of the commands used for this test: safestart opera

The system log did not show Error or Warning messages when trying this.

The user SafeStart has regular user rights and a profile that can run Opera. I rather not have this happening but tried this to be sure it would start correctly. Not loading a profile with the -d switch is better but also this does not work.

Most desirable outcome is to start Opera with a Guest user account or much better Guest Group user privileges.